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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Lt. Barkley Makes Acting Chief, Salisbury Police

Lt. Barkley has been named as acting Chief of Police of the Salisbury City Police Department and has been serving as the Chief for several weeks now.

WicBury Crapper Board Members at SPD report that he is doing an excellent job thus far. There is a question in people's minds that even though is the the acting Chief will the Mayor leave Barkey in the spot to stabilize and re energize the department or will the city seek out another possible Chief from outside of the area. Chief Barkley surpassed the Asst. Chief, and Two Captains for the spot.

The last time this occurred, Chief Webster was installed approximately ten years ago. During Chief Webster's administration crime substantially worsened and the turn over rate at SPD increased by several times over. Currently, SPD has a staff of younger officers, some just have graduated the police academy. So this begs the question is Chief Barkley a good match for the department as Chief and can he fix ten years of past problems?

We wish him luck and good fortune. We feel Chief Barkley is a very smart and capable person that can, if taking the right course of action, get the job done right.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Your site is DEAD. Just end it, damn! No new stories ever. I'm removing it from my favorites. THE CRAPPER IS DEAD, THE CRAPPER IS DEAD!

Anonymous said...

Ok i will liven it up a bit .From a bounty hunter's perspective a new chief is good.The old cheif god bless him was no friend to us.I hope that the new chief will look at things with fresh eyes and a open mind.The fact is we all got a job to do there are good and bad cops, bounty hunter's, waitresess,security ppl the list never ends .Ie we all gota work together.JUST MY 2CENTS

Anonymous said...

Go back to your blog Albero.