From WicBury Crapper Board Member "Ready4Action"...
Supposedly the BB&T Bank on riverside drive AND the Shore Bank on S. Salisbury Blvd. were both robbed today. No money was obtained from the BB&T Robbery. 2 Black males, one armed with a pistol.
One again.. here's some tips:
1) Always carry your firearm off-duty.
2) Make sure your firearm is in good working order by oiling it weekly and performing a function check (unloaded).
3) Always carry an extra magazine with you.
4) Always carry or have handy a set of handcuffs.
5) Always carry your badge and identification and remember the secret law enforcement signal if challenged by on duty officers.
6) If a robbery situation occurs, attempt to find a defensible location within area, typically poured concrete stanchions or other thick objects made of wood or metal are preferable. Remember that shrapnel from these objects can hurt or kill you also.
7) Aim for center mass to stop the threat. If taking fire, aim to kill. Fire will aimed shots but at a consistent rate of fire.
8) Fire until threat is removed.
9) Watch your background.
10) Always, always wear your vest when working.
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4 years ago
secret signal?? I must have missed that day in the academy. Oh wait, I didn't miss any days????????
There is a "secret signal" that should be known to all law enforcement in the area.
We suggest calling the police academy and asking the correct personnel. This signal should be given in the event there is a situation that a plain cloths or off-duty police officer is involved in that will rapidly identifies him as a good guy. This signal will not be published online for security reasons. Contact the police academy and speak to the appropriate personnel at the academy who will be able to assist you.
People. This is what we have to deal with. Ignoramuses like this leaving us messages.
So, ignoramus, here are your options. A) Don't believe us and shoot a brother in the back responding to a call who is taking action in a UC capacity. B) Get shot by a fellow brother. C) Get back behind the desk where you belong. or D) Call the academy and learn something, put your cup of ego down, and sit your fat ass back in the chair and listen up for once. Or E) Do something constructive with your time instead of reading this message direct to your brainpan.
It really impresses us to no end how many mindless boobs there are walking the planet. Not only do real cops have to put up with fools on the road they have to work with fools like the one above. People wonder why good cops lose it...
To all the others that want to learn something or have never heard of the signal. Call the academy and ask what the signal is if you are unsure or don't know. You already should know who to talk to.
Also, always remember that effective gun control is ACTUALLY about hitting your target, multiple times if necessary, in tight groupings.
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