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Friday, December 4, 2009

Article By WicBury Crapper Board Member "SilentButDeadly"...

Security Tips

As many of us know we have been previously tasked with conducting patrol checks at local establishments at a time of increasing armed robberies. There are somethings you as a police officer and as a citizen should do to exercise caution while walking through any open parking lot, entering a convenience store, or conducting a patrol check of an establishment.

For the Police...
  • While conducting patrol checks realize that 99% of these checks, due to your random nature of patrol, you will not encounter an issue. However 1% of the time may be deadly. Do not become complacent.
  • No matter what time of day it is never park directly in front of an establishment. If conducting a drive through check, drive through at a distance of more than 25 yards if possible and observe the front of the store and vehicles in the lot. Anyone in the store wearing a mask is a good indication that they are robbing the place.
  • The majority of robbers are armed.
  • If a firearm is pointed at you or you are in fear for your life do not hesitate to shoot. Watch your background.
  • While approaching the front of the store, note positions of stanchions out front and good defensible locations.
  • Remember cover and concealment are not the same thing.
  • Call out with your patrol checks to dispatch, every time. In the event you surprise a suspect use your emergency button while engaging the target.
  • The pillars in police cars have been known to deflect bullets. Better defensible position is behind the engine block.
  • If you are being shot at, shoot to kill.
  • If you are dying, take the suspect with you with your last breaths. Even shot in the heart you still have a good five seconds to engage your target.
  • Always, ALWAYS carry your firearm off duty with an extra magazine.

For citizens...

  • Be aware of your surroundings. People following you through a parking lot is not good. Check for escape routes between vehicles.
  • While walking through a parking lot watch for people emerging between vehicles. Watch their hands.
  • Park as close as possible to the entrance.
  • If using an ATM, scan the bank first. Circle around once or twice to check to see if anyone is hiding around the corner. If using walk in banking watch the outside of the bank several minutes to determine if it is being robbed first. Are customers walking out after they walk in?
  • Do not carry large amounts of cash.
  • Walk with a purpose and game face. When you walk into or out of a large store parking lot area put your "game face on". Don't be distracted talking on the phone. Look around and have an attentive appearance. Walk with a purpose and direction instead of meandering around slowly. If someone approaches look at their waist to see if they are carrying a weapon or obtaining a weapon from their waistband area.
  • Your vehicle is a 2000 lbs weapon. In in a life threatening situation such as an armed car jacking and you have a route of escape through a suspect. Don't hesitate to run him over and kill him. He's not being nice to you, don't be nice to him, it may cost you your life.
  • Defensive mace sprays can be ineffective especially against someone armed with a handgun. If kidnapped an edged weapon (knife) can be much more effective if utilized correctly such as a stab wound to the jugular or directly to the heart through the ribcage. The goal is to cause death to your kidnapper.

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