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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Joe Albero Show...Joe Albero qualifies as having a mental disorder...

From WicBury Crapper Boardmember "CornLogsRule" and "ThinBlueLog"...

We are not sure why Rob Mulford, the owner of Market Street Bar and Grill, would go on the "Joe Albero Show". Rob's daughter has cancer and we very much respect the idea of Rob going to every outlet he can in order to raise awareness of this issue and cancer in kids. But Joe is an idiot.

The Albero show, in our view, is nothing but an self ego serving display to Joe Albero. Joe has had an impressive blogging career which he has recently parlayed into a new public access television show. Most of Joes shows and guests are rants about his battle with the city police chief and the city of Salisbury, which he undertook several years ago when his wife was dismissed from the Salisbury Zoo. In fact, Joe has been such a royal pain in the ass to Salisbury that the then Major Tilghman did not run for another term, the zoo director Jim Rapp left his job, and the current city police Chief undergoes a constant barrage of Joe's character aspersions. While we very much respect Rob's dedication to the effort for getting the word out on his daughter any appearance on Joe's "Show" just further Joe's ego of now thinking he is a talkshow host. If this was the case, WBOC would have employed him a long time ago when he went to them begging for a slot on their news program.

Joe, your show is self serving. We are surprised that he can talk with one hand down his pants. Some people just love to hear themselves talk. It's self love, a basic principle of a classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The camera work is shoddy and the audio is horrible. Think about replacing the terminator, fake Oakley sunglasses also, its cloudy out Joe. You aren't cool.

Lets check with our friends at Google Health, what is wrong with Joe Albero?

While you are at it, check if you fit these categories. Now the affliction is called Narcissistic Personality Disorder but in the past it used to be called, "Hey, Asshole.."

Overview -

Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition in which there is an inflated sense of self-importance and an extreme preoccupation with one's self.


A person with narcissistic personality disorder:

  1. Reacts to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation
  2. Takes advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals
  3. Has feelings of self-importance
  4. Exaggerates achievements and talents
  5. Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love
  6. Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
  7. Requires constant attention and admiration
  8. Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy
  9. Has obsessive self-interest
  10. Pursues mainly selfish goals

Well we think that Joe checks off on each of these categories (we are not making these up, these are real assessments for this disorder). Further, if you think you, our reader, do not fit these categories, as a friend or co worker, you may be an asshole in need of mental help like Joe here.

If you do fit into these categories fortunately there is a cure called STFU. STFU is available over the counter or in knuckle to nose form (knuckle to eye and teefs form is also available upon request). There is also the new STFU-B available for female persons with this widespread disorder.

Who else do you suspect to have crippling personality disorder?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are a bunch of supervisors that this would fit.