We warned you. There will come a time when a law enforcement officer's life is taken by a criminal because he was out gunned. In law enforcement there is the old adage that cops should respond with one step greater force than encountered. But, this is not the case.
So, with armed robberies sure to continue into the new year and with the majority of all reported cases to be armed perps it's just a matter of time before some unlucky cop responds to an alarm he/she thinks is routine and gets shot and killed. Especially considering that many reports have come in that the suspect is armed with a shotgun. The people are pissed at the crime rate. Do you think because the Chief of Police leaving the crime rate is going to dramatically drop? Guess again.
Oh and hey, how about lets let all the cops carry shotguns and rifles, not just the favorites? Is their life more valuable because they are your personal administrative favorite? Not to that cops family which you'll be folding and handing over a flag to.
No shotguns/rifles for cops=less protection for cops & their families = death of a police officer = citizens less protected
We don't have shotguns for the same reason we don't have a lot of things we need to do our job. Because the admin is too busy buying new sirens for their brand new Durangos because "i don't like the way this one sounds wah wah wah", and buying rugs, license plates and other useless CRAP!
Do not forget Conf tables, chairs, window tint, assssssigned parking places signs, leather jackets, rugs with stars on them. Name plates on doors that have absolutley no meaning.
Come on !!! Asst. Commander to the Asst. Laison of the record clerks dry cleaner. Well all right maybe that one was needed you never know when a wrinkle crisis might arise.
We have more intell people than we do actual intell. Did that make sense.
Well Merry Fucking Christmas Shotgun CRY BABY !!!!!!!!!!
Lets count the shoot outs you have been in over the last couple of years.
There was, no no wait that time I, No that does not actually quilify, but I did point a gun at a TROOPERS DOG.
Wake the fuck up people are getting laid off.
Well I want my furlough days back and disability insurance.
223,224 amazing those numbers just seem to run together.
Incidental ??? I think not there must be a meaning to the madness. Everyone just seems out to get those numbers. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Paranoia will destroy ya !!!!!!!!!!
Wow, thats fucked up...
lol, I don't get the last guys comments, he's critisizing the administration's decisions to spend money on stuff and then he's critisizing other guys?
Have any cops on the eastern shore been laid off? I haven't heard of any?? Anyone know?
Not that I've heard.
What the hell is that guy talking about??
The Wic Sheriff's Dept laid off about 30 cops a few years back. It has happened before.
I got a phone call today from a friend indicating that he saw my name or other IDentifying something, on a blog, yet again.
I do sometimes read the blogs from time to time, like many others do in the area and find them somewhat amusing occasionally.
To 3:27:
I, Evan, do not understand your comments. I am not "crying" about anything nor do I have a complaint. If I had a complaint, I would take it to the appropriate personnel and I am well aware of who to see in that event. I also don't think "people are out to get me" or whatever your assertion is. This is only the third time I have ever posted a comment on a blog, each time “signing” my name to the comments. I do not post anonymous comments.
Whom I consider a friend is my personal business. Why who I consider a friend or do not consider a friend is anyone else’s concern is frankly beyond me. Also, I can't prevent people from considering me as a friend nor would I do so.
I take exception with your posting because it seems that you have a professional or personal issue with me. If this is the case, please see me, in person, at work and I will be happy to discuss whatever your concerns are with you personally or leave your name as so I may contact you about your concerns.
That being said, blog owner, only you and I both know I have nothing to do with this blog. It is unfortunate that your blog has been demonized by some of your readers. I find your blog has interesting points at times however some of your “articles” promote disharmony in the law enforcement community. Your initial goal of promoting a blog for law enforcement was a good one and I wish you luck in that endeavor. I do enjoy reading your articles about tactical stuff. Although I know you, and your board (or whomever), have stuck up for me before, and I appreciate it, I would prefer that my name or other identifying aspects not be published under any articles or comments in the future.
Respectfully Submitted,
Evan Avnet
Yea but the sheriffs office layed off them guys because of the drill closing, not because of the economy. I don't know and dept on the eastern shore that has layed of anyone.
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