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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Office of the State’s Attorney for Wicomico County
Courts Building
P. O. Box 1006
Salisbury, Maryland 21803
(410) 548-4880
Facsimile (410) 860-2425
November 19, 2009

A 44-year-old Fruitland man is sentenced to 15 years for committing sex offenses on three girls in his neighborhood.

This morning, Wicomico County Circuit Court Judge W. Newton Jackson sentenced Russell Glen Burnett to 10 years suspend all but 5 for each count of 3rd Degree Sex Offense. Burnett will serve these sentences consecutively plus 3 years supervised probation upon his release. The total sentence imposed was 30 years in the Division of Correction with 15 years to be served in prison.
Last month, Burnett pleaded guilty to 3 counts of 3rd Degree Sex Offense on two 8-year-olds and an 11-year-old. State’s Attorney Davis R. Ruark says Burnett committed the sex offenses on the three girls in his yard and in his home in April of 2009.

The State’s Attorney says some of the victims and their families were present at today’s sentencing. He says they are pleased Burnett will be in prison and their children will be safe as well as other children in the future.

Earlier this month, Burnett was federally indicted for Sexual Exploitation of a Minor for the Purpose of Producing Child Pornography. He is awaiting trial in the U.S. District Court.

For more information contact: Carolyn Widdowson or Davis Ruark at 410 – 548 – 4880.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great job CAC. You guys are on it.