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Friday, November 13, 2009

Suspended St. Louis officer says he 'could have used verbal judo'


Suspended St. Louis officer says he 'could have used verbal judo'

By Rebecca S. Rivas
St. Louis AMerican

ST. LOUIS — After being suspended without pay for 19 months from the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, Police Officer Scott Tillis made his final argument to keep his job at a penalty hearing on Tuesday.

Earlier this year, the Board of Police Commissioners found Tillis guilty of two charges of insubordination: conduct unbecoming of an officer and bringing discredit to department or personnel.

Before the reprimands of April 2008, Tillis had filed a discrimination lawsuit against the police board and Police Chief Joe Mokwa because his commanding officers would not allow him to practice his religion. When asked on the stand what he would have done differently, Tillis said, “Recognizing (Smith’s) anger and how he felt, I could have used verbal judo to calm down the situation.”

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