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Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Community United... Special Thanks...

Over the past few days we have seen a community truly united for a cause of finding a missing and abducted child. Not only did thousands of volunteers arrive to assist for the search but thousands of people donated their time, food, water, and shelter to police officers, sheriff's and fire/ems workers from the entire area.

We wish to thank everyone involved that assisted which includes all police officers, road officers filling in, search teams, commanders, fire department, and volunteers who came from across the area to assist in this great effort. It is very unfortunate of the ultimate outcome however, there has never been a more dedicated effort witnessed by this writer by all involved and we and the entire community owe you a deep debt of gratitude.

Special thanks to the following people....who's dedication and efforts have not been overlooked... the following people are awarded the following from our staff and board and will be receiving an award from our staff:

Sheriff Mike Lewis
Acting Chief Ivan Barkley
S.A. Davis Ruark
MSP On Scene Leadership
Chief Gary Baker
Capt. Mike Elliott
Lt. Tod Richardson
Lt. Robin Roberts
First Sgt. Tim Robinson
Sgt. Marty Fisher

Fire Dept. Dive Units
MSP/DSP Flight Staff

Special Thanks....

  • Police Volunteers
  • Salisbury City Police Department
  • Citizen Volunteers
  • Citizen Supply Donors
  • Detectives, CID, FBI, and WBI Staff
  • Assistant State's Attorney's
  • Fire Dept. Volunteers
  • Patrol Support
  • Police and Sheriff Search Units
  • Search Party Volunteers

Excuse us if we have left anyone out. There were so many that lended a hand. We honor you.


Anonymous said...

Yea, you left ALOT of people out. Half of the people you listed did squat!

The WicBury Crapper said...

We know we left a lot of people out. There were dozens of dedicated DFCs and other police officers that did an outstanding job. But credit to leadership is we feel is very important regarding the organization of the entire effort. This is why we also thanked everyone else involved. Regardless everyone did an outstanding job especially those who worked around the clock like DFC Pod and others.

Anonymous said...

To all thank you,There is so much rumors going around it is pitiful from she was bound and burned, to she was sold into slavery by aunt and leggs .Whatever the case let the police do there jobs,Whoever found her the person who walked up on her,That image will be with them forever,What horrific thing to think ,To all the officers who had to see her remains my sincerist condolences,For me i did my part i put my name on the list the first night, i also located anthony corbin in n.c. and gave info to wicmo sherrif.The bonding corp paid his extradition.and bammo he is in custody.I am still so upset i cant think or spell well today so sorry for typo's and any bad grammar.

Anonymous said...

you sould not place names with your thanks just thank everybody sone investigators worked over 60 hrs on this case some of those you named were off and did not put in the hours of others