
Please be advised: The WicBury Crapper and it’s staff take no responsibility for metering, publishing, filtering, or maintaining comments from our readers. Although we do our best screen most comments, some harassing, ignorant, or offensive comments may be posted by our readers.All comments are the sole responsibility of their respective commenters. By reading this blog you expressly consent to not being offended by the information contained herein and agree not to take legal action for any information contained herein against any member of the WicBury Crapper or it's staff or board. If this blog or any of it's content offends you, please leave now.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

To talk smack or not to talk smack, that is the question...

From WicBury Crapper Board Member "ThinBlueLog"...

Well when we started the WicBury Crapper we figured that it's a blog so people should be allowed to say whatever they felt like, mainly because we believe in straightforward comment. But, shortly people started making negative comments about other people to include peons and administrators. So much so that it really bothered some people that other people were talking smack about them. Therefore, we started to filter some of the comments, or at least try to filter, that were plainly negative, demeaning, insulting, or just plain crazy. This resulted in a substantially loss to comments because a lot of people only want to talk smack about people from behind a computer instead of to their faces which is unfortunate.

Then we got comments and e-mails that people were disappointed that we were attempting to filter comments that were negative about people, so we decided to allow posts that didn't include names of personnel, figuring hey at least people can share their opinions without publicly insulting others.
This hasn't worked either because people really do want to talk smack about each other for some crazy reason.
So, we are left with a question for our readership... what type of comments do you think we should allow and why? Negative comments about anything? Negative comments not stating peoples names, just opinion? Or no negative comments at all? Of course, the knee jerk reaction is no negative comments but, really people want to talk smack..? Let us know what you think...


Anonymous said...

Well as someone who was drug thru the mud on a delmarva blog you know ,The one that the narcissistic person runs.My thoughts are simple neg comments are fine as long as they are not personal attacks. Also as long as they don't attack family members period of the one you are blogging about.Well I am off to have some fun crapping .VIVA LA CRAPPER

BE SAFE remember all citizens are not assholes,but then again all asshole are not citizens

Anonymous said...

I think admin and elected officials should be fair game. They are getting paid to take the heat.
Not the beat cops. No name calling. They should/could do it personally if they wanted to without repercussions.

Anonymous said...

Keep your board members out of the frey if they do not like the responses from readers. Enough said on that. The world is not out to get you. You know who you are.

If someone has facts as to the integrity of an F.O.P. Board member they speak loud,clear and accurate. I know most of htose guys and I think they have done about as good as a job as one can with the lack of support by some.

All in all you have a great site. If you continue untested quotes from "Whom ever" I think the cranium in the rectum fits. One of you in particular would have to jump up and down twice as hard to get that nugget moving in the dark hole if you know what I mean.

The WicBury Crapper said...

To address your suspicions. The person you are likely talking about is not and has never been a board member. Having said that we have no idea who left that comment in the first place. But that's the writers opinion. Although it may be personally offending no profanity was used, no names were used, so we won't restrict comments such as that. Bear in mind comments by readers are from them, not us and may not be our opinion.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm BS

The Public Eye said...

same problem on my blog but I have the answer.

God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy

delmar-diarrea said...

I dont think it matters how much sh-t you talk about other Cops. I only hope others live by one important code I have always gone by for 12 years. No matter what a piece of sh-t you think the guy or gal is, you respond to their aid as though they were your family. Our Family, the Police family, is a unique one that not everyone can be a part of. I think too many of us forget what "our" mission is over time. Its sad it takes the death of a known officer or one nearby to remind us we have few friends other than the ones in blue.

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact that you do not post all the post sent in. If is about you or one of your buddies. So you are not better then the Brass.

Print that

The WicBury Crapper said...

To 4:07: You are correct. Wow we printed it. Now what? Does your penis feel bigger? Did your testicles turn to brass or what?

We do not print probably about half the comments that are sent in to us. That's what the article was about?

Further, we don't print any comments that indicate anyone as a possible board member. If you said the Chief of Salisbury PD was on the board, we wouldn't print that either. We also don't print any comments that name individuals.

The major difference between us and "brass" is that we do this for nothen and give away prizes to good cops for nothen. You get paid to deal with brass and brass gets paid more to deal with you (we can see why).

We never claimed to be better than Brass. In fact, Brass and most departments have been doing much better than before and we commend them on their changes. We don't claim to be better than anyone else at all, except for maybe criminals.

But, in general we are just here to share opinion. If you don't like someone who you assume is on our board or don't like a person in your department hey, tough shit. That's life, don't read the blog, kiss our asses, and don't talk to the person, rocket scientist. We could care less.

For those of you that read us and like us, great, thanks for reading!

We print what we want. If we don't like what you have to say, we just won't print it.

The WicBury Crapper said...

Thank you NIKKICMS21 for your support.

The WicBury Crapper said...

To 2:15 - Well hey everyone is entitled to their opinions. In reading the earlier comment it does not mention that the "Sgt" is on the FOP board.

It stated, "Anonymous said...
Yeah, sure...go to the FOP meeting and discuss your gripe(s) with a certain sgt that can't keep his mouth shut and starts blasphemous rumors? I think not..."

Although we agree, the person making this comment is saying that the comments made by a Sgt. are against god (i.e. blasphamous) doesn't make much sense.

We at the crapper thank the FOP board for their continued dedication. Although persons may not like the above comment from the Anonymous person, it does not reflect the ideals of the WicBury Crapper. However, we respect his right to comment.