
Please be advised: The WicBury Crapper and it’s staff take no responsibility for metering, publishing, filtering, or maintaining comments from our readers. Although we do our best screen most comments, some harassing, ignorant, or offensive comments may be posted by our readers.All comments are the sole responsibility of their respective commenters. By reading this blog you expressly consent to not being offended by the information contained herein and agree not to take legal action for any information contained herein against any member of the WicBury Crapper or it's staff or board. If this blog or any of it's content offends you, please leave now.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Is the crapper a pussy?

Relax... it's just roast beef...

kilbirnie said...
I just read your article and while i do like your website and i do agee with alot of what you guys post i have to take issue with you on this article. You guys or girls or both go on and on about drama but arent you creating drama by not telling the citizens of Salisbury and wicomico county who you are. I mean seriously with all due respect you dont say who you are because your a pussy. You go on and on about how other cops dont like Joe Albero. I have many friends in the law enforcement community and they all say the same about you and that is your a pussy for not saying who you are. Before you call Joe a drama queen look in the mirror. By the way you can call the grinch whatever the fuck you wnt he is just a piece of shit to use your venacular. I wait anxiously for a response. My first ammendment right is a beautiful thing and so is yours.

November 16, 2009 5:57 PM

Wicbury Crapper Board Member "ThinBlueLog" responds..
Interesting point....

Anyways, lets see if we can explain ourselves here. Are we pussys? No. A Pussy actually has no meaning in and of itself. Surprisingly, no one really knows where the term pussy came from only that is is likened to a cat which doesn't make much sense in the first place. It could come from the pussy-willow tree but, that would not make any sense either. For that matter "Dick" doesn't have any real relation to anything either. Maybe there was a guy named Dick once that was a dick? Who knows.

Now that we have sufficiently annoyed our readers with a useless information we will attempt to answer your question. Are we pussys? Well, depends how you look at it. First off, anyone taking this much of a risk in our profession to provide information and an outlet for cops to spew is taking a substantial risk to begin with. Second, are we creating drama by not providing who we are? Sure! Like we said, people revolve around drama. We don't think of it as drama per say more then intrigue. We like to keep people guessing. That's half the fun. At board meetings we sit around and laugh about what we hear and who people think we are. It's funny to us.

Lastly, publishing a persons name as an "owner" of a blog is stupid for several reasons. First, it is self serving. It makes these "blog owners" heads fat and they think they are something special... which they are not. THEY ARE NOT "MSM" AND NEITHER OR WE. Main stream media is what you see when you turn on cable and watch Fox News. Local news like WBOC is main stream media because they are broadcasting a show providing news to a mass audience, have multiple field reporters, and a lot, lot more people watch them. Anyways, sorry got sidetracked there. Joe thinks he is awesome which is crazy. He runs a blog. So, announcing who he is, just like Johnathan Taylor, opens himself up to law suits and other drama.

We are a group of ten currently so, none of us want credit for creating this blog, maintaining this blog, or whatever you like. We do this for the fun of it. Not to further our own egos by thinking we are something special because we pass out awards to cops, allow cops to spew, or talk straight stuff.

Funny that you publish the comment but don't attach your written name to the bottom? A Pussy? No, you are justing being smart protecting yourself personally.

We have, and will continue to admit, we are crap. So pussy? Nah. We just like to stay tucked away in a corner, watching, laughing, and putting shit on the internet.

November 17, 2009 12:28 PM


Anonymous said...

Kudos to the Crapper!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that Kilburnie could use his name, because he is untouchable, can't get in trouble.

ThinBlueLog said...

Yeah well that's because a lot of people talk a lot of shit about everything not just calling the crapper a pussy. Its the fatal flaw in local law enforcement. We haven't seen others step up to the plate like the crapper has. But still the haters exist. The crapper could give every cop a million bucks and some cops would whine why its not two million.

Kilbirnie said...

I liked your response but you never how you felt about other cops calling you pussys. I guess thats because you already know that they do. As far as me being a pussy hey you are what you eat.I didnt give you my name but it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out where i live. I guess thats something...Wouldnt it be funny if we already knew each other. I have a feeling we do...

The WicBury Crapper said...

Asso young grasshoppa. Well, to answer your question or address your statement rather... hey if people think the crapper's board members are pussy's then so be it. We've been called worse. But, thanks for helping our cause by furthering the drama on this blog and adding five comments to this discussion (which was our original point anyhow)! Yes, we realize you are trying to get under out skins but hey it's whatever. We're cool wit dat.

To address what people think of us, hey everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Which is why we published yours. Your assertion that you have a feeling that you know us or whomever, of course! We work at the police departments! We probably know you too!

But hey, you are entitled to your own opinion. Thanks for reading the blog. If you like it continue to read it and if not don't read it. But, your opinion doesn't rattle us because, its just a crappy blog after all. We really don't care to know who you are or where you live.

A wise man once said “opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one”. Well, you've got an asshole and we've got assholes also. Also, here's an interesting if not disgusting fact, if you ever see an autopsy, an asshole looks the same on the inside as on the outside!

As far as your preference for cunnilingus, we are at a loss at answering that question. However, you also seem to like giving fellatio as well? Especially to spit shine that brass!

Kilbirnie said...

Hey I love the blog and i will continue to read it if you dont mind me throwing my two cents in every now and again.OH YEAH we know each other no question about it .However just so you know i am not a cop just an ultra conservative taxpayer who lives on the east side of wicomico county. hmmmmmmmmmm who else lives on the east side .

The WicBury Crapper said...

Hmmmm. There's a lotta cops that live on the east side. As far as if you know us, who knows, you may and you may not. But, honestly this writer has no idea who you are talking about. There are ten of us writing under the crapper so... there is one "main" crapper.. Das Crapper.. who started it all true.. but, you probably are not thinking of the right person.. then again, you maybe who knows.. thanks for reading!!

Anonymous said...

East Side is the whole Inner Circle. LOL

Whoever does not like the site stick your head up your crapper and jump up and down till you vanish.

Oh yae your mother called dinner is on the table and your meat is cut for you. Whiney little turd.

Crapper have a great Day !!!!!!