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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Staying Warm...

By WicBury Crapper Board Member "SilentButDeadly"...

It is important to remember for all law enforcement that staying warm is not only necessity in life but in work as well. Be aware that, at anytime, you can find yourself outside of the protection of your vehicle directing traffic or hunting for a suspect through the woods.

Carry an extra pair of gloves in your vehicle, a warm cap, and a change of boots and cloths.

It is also important to remember to keep hydrated during negative temperatures. Even though it is cold outside this does not mean that your water consumption rate will drop. Keep hydrated. A loss of hydration can cause a lapse in judgement and difficulty thinking straight.

If it's cold out stay warm and drink lots of liquids.

The WicBury Crapper is in co hoots with your mother.

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