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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Officer of the Month Nov. 2009 Current Poll Results - FOUR VOTING DAYS LEFT!

Our voting system for officer of the month November, 2009 is now up and running!

Cast your vote for who you think should win the Officer of the Month award for November. New prizes include gift cards, dinners, electronics, music, and more! Now with more secure electronic voting procedures in place.

Take the Poll

Polling ends on 12/16/09.

Current Polling Results - Updated 12/12/09 at 1700 hrs.

Current candidates:

  1. Entire SET Unit SPD - Sgt Howard, Whitman, Underwood, Wilson, Devoe, Crockett, Larkin
  2. Shift E - WCSO

  3. DFC Jeff Chase (WCSO)

  4. Det Bob Wilson (WCSO)

  5. DFC Plant/Kirkpatrick (WCSO)

  6. Pfc Dallam (Delmar PD)

  7. Dep. Jeff Heath (WCSO)