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Sunday, December 6, 2009

How do I keep my kids safe online and teach them positive values?

We found a website we would like to share with everyone called This is an awsome website that educates kids and adults on how to be safe in their online community.

It also includes it's own own online community and kids chat area called "Woogie World" that trains kids on how to be safe online, positive social and life skills, and balancing online time with off-line family time. It allows them to "roam" around the woogie city online, chat with other woogie's (safely), and have their own woogie bank accounts and buy woogie stuff for their woogie pads. It's chat room is "safe" and prior to kids using it they must undergo online training. It's really a pretty cool website you should check out today for you and your kids.
All free.

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