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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

East Side Deli Reward Fund

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to reach out to you all. I know many of you are aware of the tragic situation that took place in Salisbury, MD just over a week ago. For those of you who are not, here is what happened. My father was shot at our family Deli in Salisbury, MD on Monday, November 30th, by an armed robber. Those of you who know my father, know he is literally the kindest and most selfless person many people will ever meet. I'm sure many of you have heard the saying, "he would give you the shirt off his back"... well my father really would and then give you a bowl of his homemade soup too!

The man who robbed our Deli shot my father and then proceeded to steal money out of a cash register, while my father fought for his life and almost bled to death on the floor where he was shot. This individual cannot be allowed to commit another act of violence against anyone else!

**We are starting a reward fund for information leading to the arrest of the person responsible for this malicious act against my father. Anything you can donate to the reward fund would be greatly appreciated and may be the difference in catching this inhumane individual before he can hurt anyone else. If you can help please make any checks out to

"The Greg Knowles/ East Side Deli Reward Fund.

You can drop off checks at East Side Deli located at 1120 E. Main St., Salisbury, MD 21804 or mail them to the same address with Attention Alicia Knowles or Denise Knowles (my Mom).

If you would like to donate money that is fine too, we just need to keep a list of the amount of money you have donated and your phone number or Address incase the reward is not used. If the reward is not used then all money and checks will be returned to everyone.*Thank you all for your love and support. Please continue to pray for my Dad's speedy recovery, each day he improves a little more.

Much love to you all.