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Saturday, December 26, 2009

E-mail Comments from Readers...

THank you for all your help ,My heart is broken ,I cant write more .No words can express my thanks to you all.

(Readers Names)
P.s. I know it sucks to have to keep him seqestered from other inmates.



About the comment you made on posting info on this case; how about, "Water Needed at Perdue Stadium for the thousands who showed up to volunteer” that might have looked nice on your site, or putting her photo on every link and e-mail address you have. Maybe even something like this,
" Wicburycrapper Blog site donates food, water, and manpower for the search of Sarah Foxwell". That may be stretching it, or how about this headline, “Along with countless other media, Wicburrycrapper stayed to keep the story straight”. I know, I did see part of your “consortium” there and working hard to get the job done, but something on your site would have been greatly appreciated. I read and enjoy your articles and am gratified by the candor the site offers to all of us, but I have to admit I was disappointed by not even seeing a picture of Sarah on your site.

(Reader's Name)
Salisbury, MD
DFC, Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office

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