
Please be advised: The WicBury Crapper and it’s staff take no responsibility for metering, publishing, filtering, or maintaining comments from our readers. Although we do our best screen most comments, some harassing, ignorant, or offensive comments may be posted by our readers.All comments are the sole responsibility of their respective commenters. By reading this blog you expressly consent to not being offended by the information contained herein and agree not to take legal action for any information contained herein against any member of the WicBury Crapper or it's staff or board. If this blog or any of it's content offends you, please leave now.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Comment from a reader...

12/02/09 1336 hrs
Anonymous said...

All right the chin thing was funny. Lets keep it real if we want to be heard. The posting of cameras at county roads was highly offensive to me. The threat of a gas ring was also highly offensive to me.

G.P.S. in cars.

Buy this crap when you have given the men and women of your agency a disability that works for law enforcement. When they have a better retirement package.

I hope all sworn from the top to the bottom will be filling one of these out. If not the deputies need to file a law suit.

This is where all the nay sayers to collective bargaining will feel the pinch. The total lack of attendance at the F.O.P. says it all. We will show up when we are angry or need something. It is time for deputies to form the brotherhood of quality work and fraternity. This does not mean support misconduct by your brother. That we are right no matter what. The instituion of Law Enforcement loses credibilty when this is done.

It is my understanding the law suit filed for the question "A" is to be heard January 12, 2010. Every deputy and their families need to contact State Reps and local reps in an attempt to aid this cause. If you do not you are part of the problem not the solution.

These types of evaluations have be done in the past and they are not in the least effective or accurate. Hunter nelms did away with them years ago. Captain Mike Elliott also supported the termination of this practice.

Lets face it folks there are some that are favored and some that are not liked. It is pure human behavior to go harder on those that are "On your list". Enough said on that.

In a time of furloughs the county decides to put one more stresser on their people. The crime is out of control. Shifts operating at minium. I dont get ??

If the Sheriff has any desire to know thw truth about things he needs to meet with his people. In a forum that allows them to speak freely.

There is so much misinformation and paranoia it is out of control on this issue. Is it to aid in lay offs. Is it something that will aid in future promotions ?? Who knows.

The bottom line is there is strength in unity. One of the few if only places to meet and discuss this issue at this time is at the F.O.P. meetings. I think they will ask a meeting with the Sheriff to get to the bottom of this. With Christmas coming no one wants to sit and wonder if they will have a job next year.

The new computer system was supposed to catch all aspects of production. So why this type of scewed evaluation process.

With all that is out there to cloud you thought process try to keep a clear head and be safe. There is a war out there and it is not getting any better.

Remain faithful to the code and be strong.

Major "C"


Anonymous said...

Yeah, sure...go to the FOP meeting and discuss your gripe(s) with a certain sgt that can't keep his mouth shut and starts blasphemous rumors? I think not...

Anonymous said...

Hmmm sounds to me you have stepped on your own tongue wagging. Remember live by the sword, die by the sword. I would address this person face to face.

" Major C"

It would appear only you and I are on here what a pity. This is a great site. In my leave it appears to have lost some followers

Anonymous said...

I read this site all the time. I just don't comment as much because of all the law suits ans court cases over bologna recently. But I love this site too. I'm not the last two guys that commented and I know a lot of people where I work read this site religiously.

Anonymous said...

Uh huh you know who made that first comment. "everyone is out to get me"

Anonymous said...

I love this site also. Don't stop!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Comment from a reader...":

So 10:15 he starts rumors about God or do you see yourself as a God. Maybe that is part of your problem.

Being that anon 10:15 is a Crapper Board member. I think maybe they should refrain from printing his post or print all the repsonses to his post.

This is why your site is going in the shitter.

The WicBury Crapper said...

Wow, that's nice. People. People can we take the knives out of each others backs for a minute? We can't understand who is taking about whom frankly nor do we really care. We can say for a def. conclusion that whomever 10:15 is, he is not a board member. We know this because we know when board members post internally.

As far as this blog going down the shitter... hey at least you're reading it. The blog is called The WicBury Crapper! We've always known we were crap. Who else has done anything, anything for cops in this area but the WicBury Crapper and possibly you're FOP (not that we are aligned with the FOP in any form). We don't see anyone else out here posting good articles about fellow cops or giving out awards? So, like we've always said, if you don't like our crap don't read us. We don't care either way. To put some wondering at rest we will tell you how many people are where. Currently the WicBury Crapper Board is composed of the following:

5 at WCSO
1 Delmar PD
1 Fruitland PD
2 Salisbury PD
2 Ranking Contributors
3 Ranking Board Members

Although people constantly try to pin who "The Crapper" is on someone, it's not just one person although one person is "Das Crapper". Actually, many people would be very surprised as to who board members actually are in our estimation. It is not whom you may expect, as we have expressed this on here before.

Frankly it's amazing that an organization such as us can have ten people in it from law enforcement across multiple agencies who keep their mouths shut. But this is because of the Crapper Inter Sactum. Although we are not going to give away our secrets of this organization or it's board operations we can say we are proud that to date no one knows who the crapper members or Das Crapper really are.

And, the Crapper is alive and well and we do have an extended readership. Although we may not get as many comments as some other blogs it's more or less because we are directly a law enforcement oriented website and people have expressed concern that their identity may be discoverable. However, this would be very, very rare and only in exceptional conditions requiring legal intervention.

Nevertheless we appreciate you continued support here at the Crapper.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that you guys are awesome. There will always be some idiot who wants to talk smack and screw them. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ha fuck that idiot! Great site guys! We love you at our dept.

The WicBury Crapper said...

Why thank you reader. It's readers like you that make getting up in the morning all that more special. You make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Like we've always said, if you don't like us, don't read us. It's perplexing to us why someone would read something that they don't like? It's like eating a liverwurst sandwich if you don't like liverwurst. It's not like we are cramming our hot tub steak down your throats?

So, crapper haters, if you don't like us, try sticking your heads up your asses and jumping up and down until you disappear? Sorry, donno we heard that somewhere from some retarded window licker somewhere. Thought it was kinda funny but, doesn't make much sense. Really, we find the negative comments pretty hilarious most of the time. Anyways, happy reading "Crapaholics"!

The WicBury Crapper said...

Also we would like to thank the Wicomico County FOP for their continued support and fight for LEOPS dispite low attendance to meetings. It's unfortunate when people can not be motivated enough to come to meetings in order to better their careers. So, we would like to personally thank the FOP board of directors for their continued support and dedicated efforts. Thank you.