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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hotel Robber Caught in the Act by SPD!


Hotel armed robbery suspect was caught by SPD this morning just after robbing another hotel. Excellent work SPD!

Over the course of this week several hotels were robbed by a suspect in the Salisbury Area. Salisbury hotels were under surveillance by an on going investigation resulting in the arrest of the armed robbery suspect. No firearm was displayed, the suspect fled the scene and was arrested a short time there after. Over 20 police officers from multiple jurisdictions assisted in the arrest.

Primary credit to this arrest goes to SPD for an excellent job. All persons involved in this arrest did an outstanding job as cops. Something to be proud of.


Anonymous said...

way to go spd. despite what abunch of media outlets say the area doesnt hate ya. keep your heads up and hang in there your doing a good job

Anonymous said...