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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Rant by WicBury Crapper Board Member "HarleyCop2009"...

Most employees of Wicomico County have already received an e-mail from their department heads about a reinstatement of the policy of conducting regular written performance evaluations on employees. For some reason this hasn't been going on in years. This is at the direction of our county executive Rick Pollitt. Recall this is the same Rick Pollitt who allowed our budget to spiral out of control and is now scratching his head trying to figure out how to cut 6 Million out of the budget. So, Rick among other things has layed off crossing guards, essential to the security of our children CROSSING THE STREETS and has allowed crime to run completely rampant without our county boarders.

So now Ricky is looking to cut more personnel by having supervisors fill out performance evaluations on personnel in order to search for next years layoffs. Simply, it is our opinion, that he will lay off county employees who he feels is not "pulling their weight". Never mind the good old boys network where no doubt favorites of the county departments and their supervisors will receive outstanding evaluations while other peon employees will receive negative evaluations as a way of their supervisor to both suck up, securing their positions, and crap on peons they don't like. By the way wasn't the point of having a new county administrator to do away with Ted Shea entirely? Who's getting fat off our tax dollars while we loose our jobs? Keep your heads down while protecting fat cats!

Be aware this is coming to Wicomico County. While we have nothing against performance evaluations, they must be conducted correctly and without bias. Failure to do so could result in one of the biggest county class action lawsuits. Additionally, supervisors also have a liability because they are not protected by the county from civil action regarding negative performance evaluations because these are individual opinions of the supervisors!

I am asking the WicBury Crapper fellow board of directors to render a decision regarding support of Rick Pollitt as county executive which should be published online. If it is determined that Ricky is trying to fix his budget woes with layoffs again we suggest he take a strong look at who he has at his right side like Ted Shea who is rumored to earn over $100,000 a year. Nothing like cutting two cops out to keep Ted Shea, right Ricky? Doesn't look like Ricky is missing too many meals either. "Meaa see what we are gonna do here see is cut the budget see.. meaaa."

Write Rick Politt or leave comments on here and let him know that you don't want your safety sacrificed while fat cats at the top keep getting rich.... as our cops, firefighters, and essential government employees toil away to keep the crumbling infrastructure of our county economy afloat contact...

Government Office Bldg.,
Room 303
P.O. Box 870
Salisbury, MD 21803-0870
Office: 410-548-4801
Fax: 410-548-4803


County Taxpayer said...

This is absolutely rediculous. You need to straighten this mess up and fire the likes of Ted Shea and Matt Creamer or else you're out!

Pissed Off said...

Yeah right his way of straightening up the mess is to cut people's jobs when we elected this fat bastard to his position. You won't be reelected you fat moron. Quit hobnobing with politicians, cut back on your steaks, and do something for the people besides funnel money to your buddies and spend $300,000 on gates and cameras for gas pumps at the county dump when there should have been oversight from the beginning. WTF

Thats a real good idea cut law enforcement and crossing guards.

Anonymous said...

Get rid of this guy. This guys got more chins that a chinese phonebook. Cut off one of his 58 chins and feed the poor.

Damn politicians piss me off. Elect people, give them $130,000 a year to take food off my table.

Anonymous said...

All right the chin thing was funny. Lets keep it real if we want to be heard.

The posting of cameras at county roads was highly offensive to me. The threat of a gas ring was also highly offensive to me.

G.P.S. in cars.

Buy this crap when you have given the men and women of your agency a disability that works for law enforcement. When they have a better retirement package.

I hope all sworn from the top to the bottom will be filling one of these out. If not the deputies need to file a law suit.

This is where all the nay sayers to collective bargaining will feel the pinch. The total lack of attendance at the F.O.P. says it all. We will show up when we are angry or need something. It is time for deputies to form the brotherhood of quality work and fraternity. This does not mean support misconduct by your brother. That we are right no matter what. The instituion of Law Enforcement loses credibilty when this is done.

It is my understanding the law suit filed for the question "A" is to be heard January 12, 2010. Every deputy and their families need to contact State Reps and local reps in an attempt to aid this cause. If you do not you are part of the problem not the solution.

These types of evaluations have be done in the past and they are not in the least effective or accurate. Hunter nelms did away with them years ago. Captain Mike Elliott also supported the termination of this practice.

Lets face it folks there are some that are favored and some that are not liked. It is pure human behavior to go harder on those that are "On your list". Enough said on that.

In a time of furloughs the county decides to put one more stresser on their people. The crime is out of control. Shifts operating at minium. I dont get ??

If the Sheriff has any desire to know thw truth about things he needs to meet with his people. In a forum that allows them to speak freely.

There is so much misinformation and paranoia it is out of control on this issue. Is it to aid in lay offs. Is it something that will aid in future promotions ?? Who knows.

The bottom line is there is strength in unity. One of the few if only places to meet and discuss this issue at this time is at the F.O.P. meetings. I think they will ask a meeting with the Sheriff to get to the bottom of this. With Christmas coming no one wants to sit and wonder if they will have a job next year.

The new computer system was supposed to catch all aspects of production. So why this type of scewed evaluation process.

With all that is out there to cloud you thought process try to keep a clear head and be safe. There is a war out there and it is not getting any better.

Remain faithful to the code and be strong.

Major "C"

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm just saying he's got 58 chins. If he went on a diet maybe he could sell a couple of his chins and we could skip our furlough days?

Anonymous said...

How about cutting Matt Creamer and Ted Shea? That should be about an extra 2-300,000 dollars, shouldn't it? WTF do those lazy bastards do anyways? I've noticed no one's talking about sending them a pink slip? Maybe they can go handle calls when we get layed off?