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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sheriff Lewis Wants Death Penalty

Sheriff Mike Lewis stated that he wants Thomas Leggs, Jr., accused murder of Sarah Foxwell, to face murder charges in the death of Sarah who's body was found on Christmas, 2009. We can't say we disagree. Leggs has not yet been charged with murder due to the on going investigation however murder charges are expected shortly.


Apparently this piece of shit is facing earlier burglary charges in stemming from an incident where a female met him in a bar and he stated that he couldn't go home because his roommates wouldn't let him in. She asked him to leave twice. He regained entry to her residence and later that night the female woke up to this piece of shit standing by her bed with his pants down.


Anonymous said...

I agree also. Lets just hope that all of this type of talk on the blogs and paper's don't give his scumbag attorneys the grounds for a mistrial a few years from now.

Anonymous said...

He's a piece of camel dung and should dehydrate in some remote desert in a foreign country.

Anonymous said...

There is a fund that awards up to $45,000 to victims of violent crimes available from the state. Is Sarahs family eligible for this money?