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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Should Chief Webster Resign?

By WicBury Crapper Board Member "HarleyCop2009"....

We've been pondering the question of if the Chief of the Salisbury City Police Department, Webster, should resign or not... Of course Joe Albero would like the Chief to resign and apparently so would the city's mayor. In an interview with the Chief and WBOC correspondent Elizabeth Harrington the Chief basically stated that he would resign only when he felt that it was appropriate and not before. The Chief is drawing more heat from the three armed robberies last night at the hotels across the Salisbury area.

The Holiday Inn, the Best Western and the Hampton Inn were hit just hours apart from each other. Apparently the same black male entered each of the hotels and presented a note demanding money.

So, this begs the question wouldn't something proactive been implemented prior to the third hotel being hit?

But, wouldn't the new chief, whomever that could be, inherit a sea of problems from budget issues, to personnel shortages, to an ever expanding wide crime problem? So we are left with questions, should the current Chief of Police Allan Webster resign and if so who should replace him? And what could a new chief do differently to combat the growing crime problem? What would you do differently?


Anonymous said...

The answer is obviously YES...

Anonymous said...

Somebody is responsible for the low morale and high turnover rate. This is caused my much more than salaries. There are many depts on the shore with low pay, high morale and low turnover rates. If the problem with morale is not caused at the top, then the top should get rid of who is causing the problems.

ASSCLOWN said...

Is there a way to get Joe Ablero to resign as the Salisbury assclown?

Anonymous said...

I think the SPD (for the most part) does a great job, it's the court system (here in Salis.) that has failed us. Research it and find out for yourself. How many of the latest crimes are from repeats