We are changing up our award procedures...
Please include the name of a top cop that you wish to support along with why you feel they are the best for the award, cite specific situations or interactions, or general good crap, for September, '09! We will be reviewing each submission, drawing on personal experiences with the nominated people, researching case histories, and drawing from other information in order for the board to make the determination. You may either submit your pics for favorite cop by posting online or e-mailing us at wicburycrapper@gmail.com.
Negative crap won't be published. Don't waste both our times by submitting e-crap to us, craphead.
Please have all entries in by Sept. 15, 2009.
JC Richardson. He is a constantly great cop, but also has the added, new responsability of being the K9 trainer for the largest, and most active K9 unit around. He also trains many allied agency's dogs.
He does all of this with no extra pay, or even rank.
and he chases the hell outta sheep!!!
I always wondered why there were no sheep on the east side1
jeff chase!!!
Officer Chad Spicer
Officer Chad Spicer. He gave his life for his job.
Chad Spicer, gave all.
Although I would agree that Spicer does indeed deserve the highest honor, I don't know how the family would feel at this time getting an award from "the crapper" in his honor. May want to just let the awards go this month in his honor.
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