You can read about the story here http://www.delmarvanow.com/article/20090902/NEWS01/909020398/1002/NEWS17/-No-way-around--Wicomico-furloughs--cuts
Pollitt, who last week broached the possibility of layoffs, said of them that "everything is on the table." For one, Pollitt is concerned what effect further cuts he said he expects Maryland to make to county aid will have on the budget.
"Nothing is ruled out. As always, our highest priorities are public safety and education. Each department is going to be reviewed," Pollitt said....However, employees who are classified as "24/7 employees" can't take unpaid leave without it threatening public safety, Petersen said. For this reason, they will simply be forced to take a pay cut. But their loss in salary will be less than those taking furlough days since the 24/7 employees aren't being compensated with time off.
"...Can't take leave without threatening public safety...". WTF. Cops are so very important, that we are going to cut their salary? I suggest that we cut Peterson's position because she is not necessary for public safety. What is her job position, and why is she making any decisions? Was she elected?
When is the county government going to release that the school employees got 2 raises, less than 2 months ago! A step increase and their annual raise were given July 1st. Somehow this fact missed the press releases about how bad the county was doing.
How can you give the highest paid/least worked employees a raise, and 35 days later, say you must cut the salary of employees that are essential to the safety of the tax payers?
This makes no sense..."their loss in salary will be less than those taking furlough days since the 24/7 employees aren't being compensated with time off". So in plain terms, the 24/7 people have to WORK MORE, for LESS money and the others get a day without pay and a compensated day off? That sounds like a better option to me...I'd rather have 2 days off work any day (at least getting paid for one!)
Yeah well lets see if he or his staff takes any paycuts or the county council for that matter.
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