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Peices of Shit

This shithead (right) is considered armed and dangerous, he has the word "Chris" tattooed on the right side of his shit holder (neck).
Above we have two pieces of shit that should be drug behind a wild pack of boar and then pooped on as shown. Shown left is the one that got caught Derrick Powell (a.k.a. shithead). Right is the one still on the loose Christopher Reeves (a.k.a. soon to be hopefully 6 foot under). The marks on Powell were reportedly because of Powell resisting arrest once located when he was to be taken into custody. A report advised that the police were "looking into" the marks he sustained during his arrest. Poop on that. He looks remarkably healthy from our point of view.
The bastard on the left is still breathing therefore, he is looking pretty damned good, nothing to look into. The one on the right should pull the trigger on himself, save the taxpayers some money. The third one that is not being charged because he tried to help the shot officer? He is equally as guilty. He was in the car with them when the shots were fired. The Brinkley girl in the Pirkle murder stayed in the car while the other animals drug her out into the field and left her to die, she was charged and found guilty of murder. This bastard should get the same. Let them all rot and die. One consolation, Delaware has and will use the death penalty, unlike Maryland's bleeding hearts.
The tatoo on his neck is "Shonda" or "Shanda"
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