To the left you see our mascot "Hop-a-long Poopy" makes good use of the daily times at WicBury Crapper HQ.
We all know the extra ordinary loss of our fallen brother Chad Spicer and the impact it has had on the entire shore law enforcement community as well as the residents of the area. It is touching to see a community come together in order to mourn the loss of this hero with a badge.However, lets all bear in mind that even though the story should get top and front page billing. The Daily Times is selling newspapers plain and simple. It's interesting how the Daily Slime publishes a plethora of negative articles about law enforcement officers whenever it can and "scandals" occurring with the Salisbury City Police Chief and a city council woman. But, isn't it also interesting how now they give front page billing to a fallen hero of police work.
Do you think this is because they all of a sudden care about police officers and those around them? Or how dangerous a police officer's job is? No.
It's to sell more newspapers. Again, while we of course mourn the loss of a brother in blue it's a shame that the Daily Slime uses whatever tactics it can to sell newspapers at the cost of our law enforcement officers that put their lives on the line every day.
Lets now move on to several comments posted by persons to the daily times articles to the effect that if a "regular" person was killed the police would not dedicate such an effort to finding the murder. You jackass, every person murdered deserves a proper and complete investigation to catch the murders. However, a law enforcement officer is societies outward arm of protection from itself. The badge is a symbol of society's trust and power in that individual to protect society from criminals. When the badge is assaulted or murdered, it is an assault against society itself and it's ability to provide protection from the criminal element.
So, kiss our asses you shitbirds. We poop on you.
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