One theory behind this is that crime has to do with several factors including predominately environmental. It is likened to the have vs. the have nots. In one remote sense, it is like personnel that are on the golden list and do not get advantages that some others yet. The personnel may want badly the finer things but it is denied to them so they feel disenfranchised.
In a similar sense, the poor feel disenfranchised of the middle class and the upper class and get pissed off. Really pissed off. The upper class actually is foreign to them which is why you rarely will see a person from the lower classes of society at the, for instance, opera. The environment is totally alien to them where as middle class is just across the proverbial river and much more accessible. They rub elbows with the middle class in normal situations in public therefore, psychologically they can build the bridge.
With a worsening economic outlook daily people become more desperate by the minute. As they see their house foreclosed on and their car repossessed even the middle class of society start to rob banks. This is not an excuse but crime is definitely on the rapid increase.
So, what do we do about it? One thing society does not want to do is cut policing services. Currently all government, including policing agencies nationwide, are taking budget cuts. But at what cost? In paramount a persons immediate safety is at the second to lowest level of Maslows hierarchy of needs. Cutting funding to non-essential programs and excessive waste of government spending is paramount while cutting funding to public safety is an indication of serious times ahead.
What do you think?
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