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Thursday, September 10, 2009

How is the economy affecting you?

Over the next several months the county executive for Wicomico, Rick Pilott has announced that paycuts and furloughs will be placed into effect for all Wicomico County government employees, including "24/7" employees such as jail staff and the Sheriff's office. How is this effecting you? Have you had to make any changes to your daily life?


Two Sentz said...

Not really. Maybe less luxuries but all needs are still met.

Anonymous said...

The pay cut is not for all employees. The BOE got raises. In the paper today and yesterday, they advised that they would ask the BOE to look for ways to save They haven't looked at them yet? They were exempt, and they take over half of the budget.

Anonymous said...

If asked 90% of the County employees that will have to take a madatory cut in pay would rather have the furlough day. A lot of us have children and would rather have the day off and not pay for daycare or many have a side job they could make up the difference on a day off. When you "mess" with a persons salary you ruin his life. The economic downturn has caused many of us to rely on living paycheck to paycheck and set up a yearly budget. Try as we may to factor in increased gas and fuel oil prices you can never ever get the figures right and you always end up with a shortfall. When you take into account even a .05% pay cut you are more than likely going to cause severe damage to an already "anorexic budget" You are going to see and increase in alot more domestic violence, armed robberies and etc. I know we need be be able to bend with the economic ebb and flow but this is ridiculous. You didn't even give us our COLA this year and you are asking for more!

Anonymous said...

11:05. I was speaking of those County Employees that will have to take the cut myself being one of them. Not 90% of all county employees.

Anonymous said...

Nothing yet. Waiting to see how the cut in pay will look once it hits our bank account.

I'm guessing we won't be able to afford to go to any events at the Civic Center. Too bad, we'll miss parking in the new lot that the county found $$ to pay for.

FormerRP&MLSupporter said...

A quick way to save $100,000.00 plus is to get rid of Ted Shea and let the county executive run the county like he was elected to. He got elected then creates a position and fills it with the man he should have replaced when he was elected. Sheep wake up. Government makes laws for Government. We only have a real chance every four years to undo the problems we were fooled into electing in the first place. Politicians some of us do not forget, and will exercise our rights and use every last breath we can muster after busting our a#*es to pay your inflated saleries. If you want to put your community first vote for some term limits for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Yeah well lets see if those jackasses at the top will take paycuts also. I dont see Pilott or the county council taking paycuts. Don't reelect these robbing bastards.