6 Board members in attendance (voted yes), one abstaining from vote.
Our "old" WicBury Crapper site will shortly be password protected for use for board members and legitimate members of law enforcement who wish to view this password protected area.
In order to view the password protected blog you will have to provide us with your real name and department and will have to verify your identity as indicated through electronic means. The password protected blog will include information for law enforcement officers only (such as officer safety issues, etc) and will not contain general information that is currently being posted on the WicBury Crapper II blogsite, which will still remain public and still contain similar information that is being posted now.
Information on the password protected site will be "slower" because it may not include opinions being presented on the public blog but will include information only for cops.
I think this is the BEST Idea Yet!!!!! What is your email address?
Our e-mail address is wicburycrapper@gmail.com.
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