On 9-11-01, which was only eight years ago, over 3000 people died in four coordinated attacks in the United States. Three of which were successful in killing thousands of innocent men, women, and children that woke up that morning thinking it was just another warm day. Two large air liners struck each tower of the world trade center, causing them both to collapse. Millions watched as hundreds of people threw themselves from the building into a burning pit of mangled concrete and steel to avoid being burned alive by the jet fuel that poured into their offices, setting them ablaze. Hundreds more died when a plane slammed into the Pentagon and then into Pennsylvania land where the plan was foiled when passengers bravely overtook the plane in an attempt to fort the criminals efforts.
Some even now assert that 9-11 was some type of government conspiracy and that the buildings were imploded from explosive charges from the inside rather than the planes striking the buildings or that 9-11 was staged and never actually occurred.

Here, on today's hollowed ground, we pay respect to all those who died on that day. We wear our badges with honor to all those public servants who lost their lives attempting to save others. And we honor those who continue to this day to struggle with the horrors of the past. To the criminals that caused this mass destruction and murder we say... to all due respect to our women readers... fuck you. You can't and won't kill our pride and spirit. Fuck you. Ignore the liberal bullshit because there are Americans, like us, that will visit the carnage you placed upon us back upon you and your criminal enterprise ten fold. So, sit there in your cold, wet, caves feeling content with what you have accomplished for now. But realize we are the United States Of America and you screw with us, we squash you like a bug.
Let today be a reminder that these murders can and will strike again. Be ready, be prepared, carry extra ammunition, and remember to take them out if they are taking you out.
1 comment:
Thank you Crapper for the 911 tribute and all of the information this site has brought to light in regards to the struggles and hardships that face Law Enforcement and their families every day.
Vince Page
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