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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Check out the new poll on the city police chief vs. the mayor!

Hey give us your opinion on the city police chief vs. the mayor issues on the polls to the right and let us know your opinion here.

Currently, the city police chief Allen Webster is suing Mayor Jim Ireton because Ireton "wrote up" the Chief four times for not complying with his order to cease investigating a missing video tape in the possession (allegedly) of Debbie Campbell (as Salsibury Turns).


Anonymous said...

What has the written up, written up people for in the past? Or worse

Anonymous said...

They BOTH need to go. Unfortunately, I think they enjoy their power plays too much.

Anonymous said...

This would be interesting if there was anything to investigate. Webster says there are no records of complaints filed by Campbell. Webster says there are no records of any surveillance taking place. If there are no complaints recorded or surveillance recorded then how can a tape be missing from something they don't know if it really happened or not? Campbell said she filed complaints and gave permission for SPD to install equipment. Did SPD file the complaints? Did SPD actually install equipment? Did SPD tell Campbell they were going to install equipment to placate her? If there is no record of something happening what is to investigate? Just because Barrie Tilghman said it happened doesn't mean jack. She said we were 99% compliant on the WWTP and that was a lie too. This is all a crock of shit and her flunkie police chief needs to move on to greener pastures. If I were Campbell I'd have 2 words for Webster and Tilghman...PROVE IT! They can't so they trump it up. Running an investigation on Mark Tylers memory? That will hold up in court. NOT!