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Sunday, November 15, 2009

In wake of Ohio officer's death, cops lobby for H1N1 vaccine priority


In wake of Ohio officer's death, cops lobby for H1N1 vaccine priority

By John Futty
Columbus Dispatch

PREBLE COUNTY, Ohio — The death of a captain in the Preble County sheriff's office has prompted Franklin County law-enforcement officials to renew their call to give officers priority for vaccination against the H1N1 virus.

But it's unclear how Michael Thornsberry contracted the virus, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aren't planning to change recommendations for priority groups.

Thornsberry, 38, a 15-year veteran of the Preble County force, died Friday at Indiana University Hospital, where he was treated for H1N1 and pneumonia.

The president of the Fraternal Order of Police Capital City Lodge No. 9 in Columbus mentioned Thornsberry's death this week in a letter to central Ohio legislators in Washington, D.C.

"I'm imploring you to make the necessary contacts to ensure that law-enforcement officers are given the opportunity to be vaccinated as soon as possible," wrote Police Sgt. Jim Gilbert.

He and Franklin County Chief Deputy Steve Martin began lobbying Washington legislators weeks ago after learning that the CDC did not include law officers among the priority groups for early vaccinations.

The CDC gave priority to pregnant women; people who live with or care for children younger than 6 months; health-care and emergency-medical services workers; and those with chronic health disorders or compromised immune systems.

A CDC spokeswoman said in an e-mail Tuesday that officers "who provide emergency medical service on a regular basis as part of their job" can qualify for early vaccinations at the discretion of the state.

"For many law-enforcement officers, providing emergency medical care would be an uncommon event," Arleen Porcell-Pharr wrote. "Thus, at this point, we have no plans to change our recommendations."

Gilbert said there are about 3,100 active, sworn officers in Franklin County.

The Pickaway County General Health District decided to include law officers among its "first-responders" and has vaccinated a couple hundred officers, said Tammy Ayers, director of operations for the district.

News reports indicate that officers have received the vaccine in other communities, including Muncie, Ind., and the Minneapolis area.

Preble County Sheriff Michael Simpson said that no one knows whether Thornsberry, who became ill in early October, contracted H1N1 on the job.

Franklin County Sheriff Jim Karnes said he questions how law-enforcement officers could not be defined as first responders.

"Who were the ones who died in the towers (on Sept. 11): firemen and policemen. I didn't see anyone from Capitol Hill running into buildings," Karnes said. "If we're not first responders, who are?"

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