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Friday, November 13, 2009

Polling coming back for officer of the month!

From WicBury Board Member "SilentButDeadly"...

Yes! Cast your vote for your favorite cops for officer and supervisor of the month for November! List your nominations here or in the last post for nominations. We will be posting a poll online (a little more secure this time) for voting on the 15th! But, we need nominations first to add to the poll. Currently there are almost twenty people in the running as individuals and as a group!
Also, we have gotten a whole buncha membership requests for our officer only blogsite. We will be approving them shortly. Development of the WicBury Crapper One took a little longer than expected. But, those who applied and have had their credentials verified, standby for an approval e-mail shortly (this week or early next week).


Anonymous said...

Jeff chase, Chrstine Plant (or whatever her new name is), and of course the rookie Funky.

Anonymous said...

K-9 291 Rules

Anonymous said...

DETECTIVE Wilson (WCSO),great character, works a case non-stop, loves the job, never complains, always helpful, and as a cop;I would want him handling my case.

Anonymous said...

Pfc Dallam, Delmar Police.
Have you seen my dog?