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Monday, November 30, 2009

Remembering A Fallen Hero

Night Watchman
George Workner Baltimore City Police Department

End of Watch: Tuesday, March 15, 1808
Cause of Death: Stabbed
Date of Incident: Monday, March 14, 1808
Weapon Used: Edged weapon; Knife
Suspect Info: Executed in 1808

Night Watchman Workner was stabbed to death during a jail break of nine inmates from the Baltimore Jail. The inmates had fashioned pewter keys and picked the locks to their cell doors. Then they attacked the guards with a small knife one of the inmates had obtained. Watchman Workner was stabbed in the side during the escape and died from the wound the following day.Four of the nine inmates were apprehended and sentenced to death for Watchman Workner's murder. Their execution date was set for April 22, 1808, but they again attempted to escape two days beforehand. That escape attempt failed and they were hung in the jail's courtyard at noon on April 22, 1808.

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