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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Off-duty Nev. officer slain upon arriving home

NORTH LAS VEGAS, Nev. — An off-duty Las Vegas police officer was shot dead early Thursday in a shootout in the garage of his home during what authorities said they think was a random robbery attempt.

The officer died in an exchange of gunfire with one or more assailants shortly after midnight, said North Las Vegas police Officer Chrissie Coon.

"It looks like it was an attempted robbery," Coon said. "He was standing in the garage with the garage door open when he was attacked by multiple suspects. There was an exchange of gunfire."
Coon said the officer was in civilian clothes after arriving home from work when he was attacked. She said she didn't know how many shots were fired, or whether the assailants were wounded.
Clark County Undersheriff Rod Jett told reporters the slaying appeared to be a random act.
Jett identified the officer as a 30-year-old married father of two young children with two years on the police force. He was assigned to a patrol area in the West Las Vegas neighborhood.
The officer's name was not immediately made public.

Police were searching an area around the officer's house.

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