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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Joe is not correct...

By WicBury Crapper Board Member "CornLogsRule"...

Joe Albero published the following article on his blog about the Sheriff's Office response within the city limits which can be viewed here: The real truth is that WCSO does not respond for calls for service within the city limits and it is rare, very rare that the city police call WCSO for assistance.

The city police handle ALL CALLS within the city limits with the exception of some traffic stops that the county sheriff's preform. Most of the statistics that Joe quoted for the county "responding" within the city are calls for service at the schools, courts, traffic stops or officer (deputy) initiated actions. However, for the most part deputies are typically discouraged from initiating criminal investigations or responding for calls within the city limits.

Even though county sheriff's deputies have full authority to provide law enforcement services within the city of Salisbury it is contingent to both the city and county police administration to allow this to happen. Currently, this practice is not in place probably due to both administrations and/or unwritten SOPs.

Here is what Joe stated:

"Former City Councilwoman Lynn Cathcart has stood in front of the Council numerous times complaining the Sheriff's Department needs to come into the City of Salisbury more often and protect the City.

Lynn has attempted to make it sound as if the Sheriff's Department isn't offering their services enough and states that Salisbury is within the County, so why not help out.

The above is just one example of how the Sheriff's Department does in fact service the City of Salisbury. In numerous conversations I have had with representatives from the Sheriff's Department, they proudly serve the City and would gladly help out in any way, shape or form and once again documents like this prove this to be a fact.

Be sure to click on the image above to enlarge it and see what your Wicomico County Sheriff's Department is doing to help curb crime in the City of Salisbury. I think all of you will be surprised. The next time you see Lynn, tell her to try shutting her trap, after you take her foot out of her mouth."

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