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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Salisbury Police Chief Vs. Major Ireton

By WicBury Crapper Board Member "KissMyBrass"...

Okay, obviously not a "late breaking story" but lets talk a little bit about the Salisbury Police Chief vs. Mayor Ireton.

What the hell is going on with this political crap? Seriously. Does anyone care about some video tape of something that disappeared years ago prior to the police chief taking office in regards to Debbie Campbell? The mayor is now stating the the city police chief is taking away from the city tax payers because he is suing the city and thus the tax payers and therefore taking away from the ability of the city police force to fight crime. Stupid argument and pulling at straws in order to make the chief look bad. Just a few months ago the mayor was touting the city police chief as being effective on crime fighting. So Ireton has a press conference surrounded by Pick and several other lackeys about the city police chief. Hey, idiots, this is the same guy you supported months earlier.

Ireton is an idiot.

Second, why is the city police chief bent on getting this video tape? Who cares? Quit this shit and go back to work protecting people. Stop giving the daily slime stories to publish and keeping those morons in business.

So, WTF are you people crazy or what? Gentle towns people, it is time to oust all of these idiots and start from scratch. Don't elect Ireton again. NOTHING HAS IMPROVED.

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