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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Blogs Rule?

Commentary from WicBury Board Member "CornLogsRule"....

Do Blogs Rule or Blow Chunks?

So in the last few weeks we've seen the likes of Johnathan Taylor aka Piggy Fats and Joe "Thats My Ego You Are Stepping On" Albero continue to go head to head. Unfortunately, as we mentioned before, the driving force in the blog wars are egos. So, we here at the Crapper like to put things into perspective for you, our general readership. While it is true that both Joe and John Or BigHead and Humugofats, as we like to call them here at Crapper Central, do actually have a decent readership now... Both of these pea brains have their own agendas.

Just as the was started on Joe's bent on revenge tactics for the city canning his wife from the zoo, which he is still beating into the ground, John's website was started on the theory that Joe is a pinhead for trashing other people. This bothered Joe to the extent that he swore off John and won't even use his name on his website because it would increase John's google hits. In fact, Joe didn't get on the Chief of Police's case until Joe started showing up at the zoo with his camera taking pictures of the staff at which time the Chief banned him from the zoo.

Joe has now even gone so far as to create a TV show, of himself, for himself. While it is true, Joe is very well off, it should be pointed out that Joe's ego is only dwarfed by John's fat ass. And not by much. Joe pointed out in his first episode of "The Joe Albero Show" that his headquarters in downtown Salisbury is "where it all happens". Joe, please. Get a grip. There are ten of us at the Crapper and it happens wherever we feel like making it happen (this blogsite not crapping).. We can make this blog site at home, in our cars, some of us at work, and even laying in bed or sitting on the crapper!

So, lets put things into perspective. People love conflict. Everyone in the US loves conflict and drama which is why we have all of these "reality" TV shows, soap operas, and news broadcasts which show death, destruction, and misery of human kind. How many times do you see a positive news cast about something over that of a negative one?

To break this down further, Joe, your website and your TV show are nothing but distractions, something amusing to look at, but dismissed in the same manner. Your crap is restricted to the lower shore and frankly that's where it will stay because no one really, truly cares about anything you report on. They just like drama. Which is why people are reading this article of us crapping on you. By the way, most of the cops don't like you. Just FYI Joe, oh and most of the fire fighters neither for obvious reasons.

John, your crap is crap too. Lets face it, your entire website is a collection of people who hate Joe Albero. We'll give you the creative award for that. But, continuing to talk crap about cops, sheriff's office employees, former employees, and the Sheriff himself with little or no dealings directly with him is a little coo-coo. You, like Joe, need medication. Oh and cops and fire fighters definitely don't like you either.
In an earlier time, both of you would probably be committed. In Medieval times, Joe would have been burned at the stake while John's fat ass would have been set ablaze for heat and sausages. Joe's chin hair and foul wind would have been enough to power the the city of Minneapolis for a fort night while a hunk of John's left ass check could light up Chicago for a week.

Get of the soap boxes. Deflate your egos. Wait, sorry, deflate your fucking egos and get on with your lives. Or, hey Joe continue to inflate your own ego, pop Viagra, and build your blogsite into everything it can be, a blogsite. John, continue to fuck up Joe's meteoric rise to well, a blog site guy. Cause we think it's all funny as poo.

We on the other hand, are just crap. VIVA DAS CRAPPER!


kilbirnie said...

I just read your article and while i do like your website and i do agee with alot of what you guys post i have to take issue with you on this article. You guys or girls or both go on and on about drama but arent you creating drama by not telling the citizens of Salisbury and wicomico county who you are. I mean seriously with all due respect you dont say who you are because your a pussy. You go on and on about how other cops dont like Joe Albero. I have many friends in the law enforcement community and they all say the same about you and that is your a pussy for not saying who you are. Before you call Joe a drama queen look in the mirror. By the way you can call the grinch whatever the fuck you wnt he is just a piece of shit to use your venacular. I wait anxiously for a response. My first ammendment right is a beautiful thing and so is yours.

The WicBury Crapper said...

Interesting point....

Anyways, lets see if we can explain ourselves here. Are we pussys? No. A Pussy actually has no meaning in and of itself. Surprisingly, no one really knows where the term pussy came from only that is is likened to a cat which doesn't make much sense in the first place. It could come from the pussy-willow tree but, that would not make any sense either. For that matter "Dick" doesn't have any real relation to anything either. Maybe there was a guy named Dick once that was a dick? Who knows.

Now that we have sufficiently annoyed our readers with a useless information we will attempt to answer your question. Are we pussys. Well, depends how you look at it. First off, anyone taking this much of a risk in our profession to provide information and an outlet for cops to spew is taking a substantial risk to begin with. Second, are we creating drama by not providing who we are? Sure! Like we said, people revolve around drama. We don't think of it as drama per say more then intrigue. We like to keep people guessing. That's half the fun. At board meetings we sit around and laugh about what we hear and who people think we are. It's funny to us.

Lastly, publishing a persons name as an "owner" of a blog is stupid for several reasons. First, it is self serving. It makes these "blog owners" heads fat and they think they are something special... which they are not. THEY ARE NOT "MSM" AND NEITHER OR WE. Main stream media is what you see when you turn on cable and watch Fox News. Local news like WBOC is main stream media because they are broadcasting a show providing news to a mass audience, have multiple field reporters, and a lot, lot more people watch them. Anyways, sorry got sidetracked there. Joe thinks he is awesome which is crazy. He runs a blog. So, announcing who he is, just like Johnathan Taylor, opens himself up to law suits and other drama.

We are a group of ten currently so, none of us want credit for creating this blog, maintaining this blog, or whatever you like. We do this for the fun of it. Not to further our own egos by thinking we are something special because we pass out awards to cops, allow cops to spew, or talk straight stuff.

Funny that you publish the comment but don't attach your written name to the bottom? A Pussy? No, you are justing being smart protecting yourself personally.

We have, and will continue to admit, we are crap. So pussy? Nah. We just like to stay tucked away in a corner, watching, laughing, and putting shit on the internet.

Gunpowder Chronicler said...

You know, I have had my battles with the Delmar Dumbass in the past, too. And I am just upset that I didn't get noticed in this post. LOL. Sorry, had to be a smartass.