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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Now accepting nominations for Officer and Supervisor of the Month - November

We are now accepting Officer and Supervisor of the Month awards for November, 2009. Please write us who and why so we can consider each entry. As usual, we will draw upon our experiences with these people, their court record, commendations received, and their overall functionality as cops! Good luck to all!


Anonymous said...

The SPD SET Unit!! Sgt Howard, Whitman, Underwood, Wilson, Devoe, Crockett, Larkin.

These guys are continuing to do some great work.

Anonymous said...

Shift E. They have been taking it to the streets this month. The entire shift is a crime fighting machine.

Anonymous said...

I second that Shift E is on a roll.

Search warrants written, thugs off the streets.

Everyone is doing an awesome job under the circumstances.

I think this month save the award and give it to all the road dogs working this county. Not one department is not out there kicking some crimnal ass.

Semper Fi road dogs.

It is sad the head honcos just dont see it if they do you are not hearing it. I think the pinch hit them harder.

Do not let politics slow the battle.