Anonymous said...
The Ivory Tower is tall and mean at one local department. As I read this I find it alarming that an elected leader would not be taking a hard look at staffing. All the way around.I will say this when Hunter Nelms announced he was not running for office again. The very men he promoted started crying to Mike Lewis how bad they had it.
Come on Mike when you left M.S.P. you were a Sgt. I cant believe you fell so hard for the bull shit. They were cutting each others balls off before you showed up. Now it is just the little guys that get casterated.If you ask me the road Sgt.s get shit on the hardest. They drive shit cars. The seniors ones anyway. It appears the Jr. Sgt.s have Black and Whites. One Cpl. has a Black Charger ??? The Sgt.s are responsible for the agency 16 out of 24 hours.
The public has no clue. Two thirds of the time a critical call is made by a Sgt. The pay scale has newer Cpl.s making almost the same money. The seven percent a year ago went to certain people. The senior people got shit. I see the writing on the wall. Mr. Magoo can see the writing on the wall.So as you bitch and moan remember those that have in fact paid their dues are getting a major crap bath.
No one cares if there is one P.C.O. on a friday night. It does not effect the day jobbers. So we roll up our sleeves and work by the sweat of our brow. That is what we do. Crying about those who could give a crap about is is not going to get anywhere. When you uninfy all the road dogs then you have something to go with.I suggest all deputies from the rank of Sgt, down have a meeting away from your office. Lay out a plan that includes hard work and respect to all. Stick together there is strength in numbers.
For you idiots that do not see the divide and conquer game that is played you are blind.We all know those that are in positions because they are friends of one of two admin. Thats it. Two admin have created this qwagmire of discontent. It is so obvious that other departments are laughing at the situation and make jokes about how you can lead in every stat and if you are not part of the circle you are screwed.
If I worked as a deputy I would tell them to stick the new chrger up someones ass and go out and tear it up. Respect by my brothers is all I want. Get your heads out of your ass and be what you said you wanted to be when you took the job. The placement of those cars would out rage me if I were a hard worker at the Sheriff's office. The message sent is call in sick five minutes before your shift. Get caught drunk in a bar when you are out sick. Do nothing and duck calls get a new car. As for the Sgt. who got one congrats from what I hear you earned it. Over eighty thousand dollars in salary working on cars all day.
Sworn cops. I have never heard anything like this. Just a thought maybe a certified mechanic would have worked out. I guess if a tire needs to be shot or an engine tazered you maid the right move.Putting people in jobs because they hang out with certain admin. has also sent a clear message. I never thought it would be this way. I will take mine out on the thugs and slugs out there. The rest will take care of itself. This fraternity atmosphere will be the down fall of a great leader. Trust me the wolves are in the pen. They will dump his butt in the hour of need just like they did Hunter Nelms. The man that hired and promoted them. Just amazing how it played out. You cant teach courage and loyality. I think Mike lewis needs an one on one with every deputy just like he promised.
If these men and women are not in fear of retaliation I think you would get an ear fool about some of the golden boys. I know for a fact you do not condone some of the underhanded leadership being displayed.The Sheriff's office has the potential to be the best department anywhere around here. In closing only one man can make the changes needed to stop 90% of this you will have criers no matter what you do. In large most of these concerns are ligit.
Major Crap
Fuck! Your a whiner
Yea but he's right. Lewis will NEVER win another election
Very brave, if you work there. Thanks for showing such crappy courage!
I can't believe that you think that the Road doesn't come first. Of the eleven awards given at the last agency awards ceremony, one was for a road cop...so they do think of us.
I'm sure the other ten award recipiants were much more deserving than the other fifty road cops.
FYI...if supervisors would nominate and turn it in to the committee instead of just a few of the same people doing it every time the Road would get the attention they deserve. Some supervisors just do not take the time to nominate anyone!!!!!
Dear Major Crap I elect you to go talk to the Sheriff. If you know all of this and do not work there you must have a source. Most of it was right on the mark. Those at the Sheriff's Office are in fear of retaliation. Some of it I am not so sure about. I agree that Mike Lewis is a good boss. There are a few that may have did a little misleading of the Sheriff when he got in. The issue he has been in charge thee years. He should know whats up.
One thing for sure is some will cry all the time. Anon 12:40 major crap must have struck a nerve in your crapper. I know many Admin. when they dont have the answer or like the question the person is labeled a liar or a whiner. Works for me just totally discredit the officer to the boss you are a winner. WRONG you just failed leadership 101. You have now lost the respect of roughly 70% of your agency. That man or women willing to speak up about things that are not within policy is respected by those it affects. On that matter do you even have a policy and procedure manuel to look at. From what I hear you dont.
Maybe a good civil attorney needs to look at L.E.B.O.R. issues. Going public in the form of civil litagation sometimes gives the little guy just the leverage they need to exspose fakes hiding in the ranks. It is funny how much attention the Admin pays to a Plaintiff over a Whiner.
With that said I can think of two moves the Sheriff could make. That would have a huge ripple effect on the rest of the agency. I bet he knows what they are without a doubt. Will he do it is the question.
Hey Major Crap step up and do the right thing. Go talk to M.L. about what you know.
Signed My Shit is scared
Mike Lewis will probably win re-election. He's a good politician who know has to play to the public.
FYI...Road cops were also nominated, but there were 0 current cops on the comittee. Also, it is too bad all of the bosses were too busy to nominate any road dogs.
Last poster about fleet management... We will not post comments with an officers name or company telephone number. Please rewrite your post if you wish and resubmit minus the name, company phone information. Since we don't edit reader posts you must repost. Thank you.
What someone had something to say about the Fleet Super. Look out he does issues cars and has a weight bench and curling bar in his work area. I guess he has letter authorizing that equip. I hear you would need a letter to put GPS in your car. WTF is up with this King for a day shit. WOW something is soooo wrong with this picture. He is pretty that seems to be the common denominator.
I have a gps in my car with no letter. And i DARE someone to say something about it
4:55 you are brave , protected, or lucky. As far as the election the road cops are the ones that got ML elected. If you think more than 5% of the road cops will support him next time, think again. I hear a few are talking to civil lawyers.
there is an election year coming. If the fight is lost the truth will still come out and some people have documented a long long list of CRAP both in and out of the office. Would the two admin's to know be a dj and a tater?
Well, none of the policies or such (not that there are any) apply to fleet people or anyone in the clique. I wonder if there will be a unauthorized equipment for weight benches policy in the new MSP policy manuals?
I'm not either lucky or protected, I don't even work for them! LOL I just think it's funny you guys can't even plug something into the cigarette lighter without a letter!!!!
Well in light of this maybe there should be policy about lifting weights.
I have seen a couple of you guys and my grandmother could out bench you.
I hope you guys are not saying that you still do not have policy and procedure manuals. WTF.
That might be a large part of the bitching about tables and chairs. That is a true mind blower.
Good Luck guys. O.C. will have some openings soon.
Anon 12:40 a.m.
I dont think this person is a whiner. Some of the shit hit home with me and I do work there. It is a great place to work, but it could be better. There is some shady bullshit going on. I will not name names, but I have tried to speak through the chain of command and it gets me no where.
So you are either one of the chosen ones or above the rank of Sgt.
Oh I have done Maryland Judic case search on all the people above rank of Cpl. and it says it all.
Some people have less than a page of arrest with a boat load of time on the job. Yet they are rewarded. The system is out of whack.
MD Judicial Case search should be required reading for any promotional boards. How can somebody have 20 years as a cop with only arresting, or wittnessing, 15 arrests. That could be grounds for dismisal for "loafing".
How can there be any committee without any road cops on it. Road cops are the majority of any department's roster.
Who decides who is on a committe anyway?
I happen to be a local civil attorney, and if this stuff is true, someone may have a case for hostile work environment, or even more.
who ru? how can u b contacted? so far i have been looking over the bridge. alot of attorneys r scared of the boss.
I believe many deputies and officers locally (wcso and spd) would love to file a civil suit against their agency for hostile work enviornment, but no attorneys want to get involved. anom 503 you should talk to road officers, there is a major case for whomever takes it. many officers have started documenting issues.
The issues need more than a civil attorney. They need someone or a team that specializes in F@*ked Up work places. How about EEOC and are there statue of limitations?
EEOC may apply depending on your situation. In order to file an EEOC complaint against an employer there has to be grounds for a complaint that violates Equal Opportunity Employment standards (which generally relates to minorities or women but not always). It can also related to medical conditions, religious background, etc. Anything that can be discriminated against based on a individuals that fit a race, color, creed, sex (or alternate lifestyle), religion as the basis of the complaint.
For instance if you were reassigned or demoted, passed over for promotion based upon a medical condition that does not affect your work performance or based upon your race, etc. then you have the basis of a complaint to be filed.
T E of DPD thinking of you makes me :~)
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