Last night, as we may all know, there were multiple people shot at the Fairground Drive apartment complex. The suspects fled the scene.
It is clear, and has been clear, for some time that criminals in this area do not care about the life of citizens and others. They are content being criminals and cause crime and misery to all those who they feel cross them. There was also a bank robbery last week where two armed suspects entered into the bank, one had a handgun, and one had what looked like a sawed off shotgun. This incident occurred in the afternoon in "broad daylight". You, as a police officer, could have been in there banking while off-duty.
So, this begs the question... why do our local police officers still do not have rifles or shotguns and only select members on departments do? This seems a serious risk to officer and citizen safety. In order to combat crime and keep our community and police officers safe-er all should be issued both weapons in case officers run into suspects that don't care who they kill or harm. Life and death is a game to these people.
- If a shooting situation is occurring bear the following in mind... if possible position yourself behind a defensive location, such as a building stanchion, ATM machine, or other hardened object that you feel would be capable of taking fire.
- Check your background. When shooting ensure that your shots aren't going to pass the suspect and strike a citizen, perhaps in the parking lot or behind the suspect.
- If the suspect has been shot, do not approach the suspect. Stay in a defensive location yelling commands for the suspect to "stay down". Keep your firearm trained on the suspect. Wait for more units to respond.
- When police respond, if off-duty, bear in mind you may be considered a threat to responding police. Ensure that you keep your firearm pointed downrange toward suspects, yell "Police Officer! Police Officer!", comply with directions, and be ready to give the "secret signal" when required to responding officers.
- Always, always carry your firearm off-duty and an extra magazine.
- Always wear your vest.
- If shot, don't give up. Shoot to kill. Head, center mass, and groin shots will deliver the most damage, the quickest.
- If dying, take that suspect with you.
Salisbury is a very, very dangerous place. It is your responsibility as a police officer to keep the public safe and keep yourself out of harms way in the process.
Again, we are asking police departments to recognize this serious threat and assign rifles and shotguns accordingly to police officers. Don't wait until an officer is shot or killed.
Always carry and be vigilent. Some will not cover your six, even when they should.
Can some sort of campaign be launched to acquire shotguns for LEO's? All the crime going on in Salisbury and the public outcry for police protection, I'm sure you could get citizen support for a successful campaign. I would sign up to help when I see something posted about it.
State has them, county only allows certain people ?? WOW
S.P.D. way undergunned.
I forsee a lawsuit when an officer is shot and killed with a rifle that penetrates his vest. Someone could sue because their loved one was not properly equipped either with an adequate vest or because his department refused to issue him a gun in which any other Joe-Blow criminal could get a hold of by stealing from most any household in a rural area or just by having someone without a record purchase it for them. My loved one is a police officer and I fear for his life everyday he puts on his uniform to work on the streets of this county and city.
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