Currently, the rumor is that Ernie Leatherberry may be pining for the city police chief's position and Alan Webster is considering running for Sheriff of Somerset County. This is another rumor that Capt. Kurner from the Maryland State Police is also thinking about running for this position. The spot for Worcester County Sheriff's Office is currently up for grabs because the current sheriff is more then likely not going to run for another term due to his failing health (we hope you feel better). We've also been hearing that Ocean City Police Chief may be looking for another position shortly. The rumor is she is shopping for real estate (out of state). Sheriff Mike Lewis is expected to run for another term in office.
At this time, we have not lent our support to anyone yet. We are still considering the current political climate. What do you think?
Should be a great year for politics the climate has changed greatly in the last year. Notice that all running are former troopers, but two. Maybe it is time for change all the way around. Just ask a trooper that is about to be cut in income and just how happy they are with the current leadership. Mike Lewis jumped off like a man on the wrong train. Mike great move and way to see the forrest for the trees. Say what you want the man knew when to get out.
I wish anyone who takes on the headache of a large department all the luck in the world. I dont see one good thing in the current state affairs that would make anyone want the hassel. The troops seem to be angry, and the public is way past that point.
To all you road dogs that go out day in and day out and fight for what is the right God Bless.
To all the RODS and SLUGS do yourself and the workers a huge favor. Get a job managing WaWa or something more suitable. The rest of our backs are sore from dragging your dead asses around. To all you prettyboy ass kissing manginas, and if you have to ask you might be one. I hope you run out of hair gel and you get a huge Crap sore on your lips from kissing sooo much ass.
Major Crap
Yea..... Just what everyone needs, a sorry ass back stabb'n, do as I say; NOT as I do Trooper running shit. They bring that "F" your buddy crap to an agency near you. It's bad enough around here with the rank of Lt. and above that think they know it all. Why does leadership always forget where they come from and who the BAD guys are? Any good leader knows you scold, educate, mentor, and build the person back up. Remember, your people work shift work, away from their families to serve. Kinda like you, before you became so High and Mighty.
Where do we make the donations for OCPD's chief to get the property. The sooner she gets them the faster she may leave.
Hopefully Ocean City will find a real police chief this time that can control the high school rent-a-cops in Ocean City. Forget the political correctness this time and hire a qualified person from outside of the department.
I think the sheriff is doing a good job. I've only been there a little bit of time but so far I've gotten whatever I wanted including a newer car.
I think you could slice cheese with Lewis's haircut. The Chief's head looks like an overripened melon that has spent too much time in the sun.
Ocean Citys Chief already has property in Florida.
Webster in Somerset County will be nothing more than a changing of the guard. Good ole boy Jones for another good ole boy Webster. Please take him in Somerset County. Ernie Leatherbury would put Salisbury right where it needs to be, at least people trust Ernie. Mike Lewis, I'd vote for him again.
Somerset County doesn't need Webster. I only hope the rest of the constituents realize that he is not a "Somerset County Webster" and is really from the other side of the bay!!!
Has Webster had a stroke or something? Notice how the muscles on one side of his face have athropied.
I wonder what force of nature is keeping the both of them from eating each other's faces off at that meeting. Can we get a police cheif or sheriff that is not hard on the eyes already or what? These are an ugly pair of feet.
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