Although, strength training is important, putting on mass specifically may not be as beneficial as a good cardiovascular system. Muscles require more blood for the heart to pump and demand more energy. Although being a large badass is cool it can also kill you. It is more beneficial to be cardiovascular fit as heart disease from stress can kill. If engaged in a high stress situation a large individual with poor cardiovascular performance can easily seize up when his muscles use up the oxygen in his blood and lactic acid begins to build up in large muscle groups, especially the back.
A cramp or muscle seizure of the back can instantly debilitate a person in a fight. So remember it is important to mix in a consistent cardiovascular workout, stretching, along with being big (if that's your thing).
How come most cops you see around here are too skinny or fat? Don't Cops have a yearly PFB they have to pass? Everywhere I go, I see a bunch of deputies eating out. Sorry, but I never see any other agencies. I see Troopers and local cops go through drive ins. I wont even start about they all look in uniform. When I was a kid I remember cops looking sharp wearing them shiny shoes and a hat. Now I see slobs, wrinkles, fat bellys, and brown leather wear black was, wearing tennis shoes and never a hat. What the hell happened? How can you take a cop serious that looks like crap? Whats up with these guys wearing their pants too long also? Don't you have uniform standards? This excludes "most" Troopers, however I have seen a few in Salisbury that look a site.
Both are important - cardio as well as strength. But as a most respected Doctor told me, you will look great in your casket if you work on stength alone. Cario keeps you alive. Just my littlet contribution . . . to this cause.
There is noe reason on earth that an officer can not keep and maintain appearance and hygine. Most criminals size you up immeadately. Looking fit and squared away may save your life.
The tactical shoe is far more practical,but does look bad. I think a pair of shined boots or Chukkas look awesome. If you look like a slob you probably work like one. Sorry it is a sad fact.
The preparation of the uniform is all part part of the daily ritual that keeps one sharp.
As for fitness you all know the pit falls of not staying fit. Staying fit also relieves stress of the daily grind.
So square yourself away and get back to p/t if you want to live to enjoy retirement.
Cop 101 you all learned this in the academy.
An hour a day should be mandatory. Oh thats right we need rugs and hats more than an employee gym at the premier agency on the shore. Before anyone bitches studies have shown that paying employees to work out increases producivity and reduces sick leave and illnesses. It is a win win.
I guess you want a custom kitchen, and palsma t.v. Look rootsmoocher it is your job to keep yourself fit you owe to yourself and your shift mates. I see by your post your work at WCSO. Making that dump building look better should not be an issue. I bet you are one of those people that went through life feeling like evryone owed you something. Pobably got your ass kicked all through high school and now you are a cop.
You dont have disability dumb ass but you want a new gym. Pay to go to one then right the shift off on your taxes.
Mircosoft proved that naps increase free think and productivity. What you want a freaking cot with your name on it also. Wake the freak up !!!!!
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