Our county exec. Rick Pilot had a press conference recently to discuss what if anything was going on with the landfill scandal that took place. Yes there have been security measures upgraded since the landfill incident to include cameras, a sliding gate door, and a new fuel management system. We estimated the upgrades to cost approx $200,000.00 although our math may be a little off. Our only question is if spending that amount of money to ensure that people aren't stealing gas and other equipment from a county run facility? Seems somewhat pricey and overkill, especially since the county suffered a severe loss due to the thefts that took place in the first place.
Additionally, we liked the whole whistle blower line to call, is that actually working?
Oh and reminder, election is around the corner! Get ready for a show!
I heard he coughed and Rai Sharma popped out. I knew he was hiding close by.
This county is a disgrace when it come to cover ups. Take em all down at the next election.
i hope everyone realizes that once people get elected there #1 job is to get re-elected. they promise the world and then Crap on you. wasn't the county exec susposed to make wicomico county government smaller and streamlined? he should be doing what ted shea used to do but then he creates a position and fills it with, low and behold ted shea? WTF
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