We thought that it would be a good idea to open up a forum once a week to ask the Crapper a question. So if you have any pressing issues, questions, or concerns on your mind ask the Crapper a question. The question can be almost anything political, social, legal, or whatever. Citizens, even afraid to ask a law enforcement officer a question? This is your chance and we'll do the best we can to answer your questions without risking the safety or security of law enforcement officers.
Standing up for your rights to be an ass and giving admin crap. The WicBury Crapper.
Here's a question for you. Why do you still get charged with DUI/DWI if you get brought in for a breathlyzer and pass it? It happened to me with a Wicomico County Sheriff. Blew a 0.04 and was still charged. Wasn't pulled over for a moving violation, either. This was a couple of years ago, right before Mike Lewis took over, so things could have changed by now. The Deputy showed me right in his SOP binder where it was policy to charge me, and not his decision. I did beat it in court, but it cost me a bundle. I've got my laywer's opinion on this, but I'm interested in hearing things from a law enforcement perspective.
I have met some truely outstanding LEO's and I am thankfully they are out there doing this job. My question is, as a citizen, what can be done when you know of a officer that really does not know the law, if he does, then he knowingly breaks it. It only takes 1 bad officer to make the rest look bad.
Ask tough questions of area administraters and post there respons or lack of.
i have a question, it seems to me that pills and meth are a "white" thing, seems like middle aged white america is hooked on this crap like there is no tomorrow, is it just a white thing around here or everywhere. and is meth a big problem here like it is in other areas, it seems like you don't here very much about in the paper or news locally. just wonderin. thanks
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