Which brings us to our second point, to the people sending us e-mails that they are getting accused or are suspected of being "The Crapper", we're sorry this is happening to you and it is unintentional on our part. So, here we are, you want to know who we are? We are your co-workers, your brothers and sisters, your mothers and fathers, your aunts and uncles and all that crap. We are everyone. That's the voice and power of the WicBury Crapper. We are not just summed up in one person.

We are here to provide a sounding board for those who serve the community and the citizens. Further, we're not going to print who you think we are or print smack talking against police officers of any agency. So, those who are smack talking, if you don't like this blog, get off. This is a place for cops to be cops although we welcome citizen's points of view. But, the level of comments we have to deny is getting ridiculous. People, act like adults and control your jealousy, personal hatred, or whatever else you have stuck in your craw. Again if you don't like reading our stuff, then either poop or get off the crapper!

Which brings us to our third point. Don't kiss our ass. We know when people are kissing our ass from regular Joes, to other Blog operators, to even high ranked politicians. To the politicians, we value your input so we are not saying don't communicate with us but, talk to us how you'd talk to anyone else of whom you can not gain anything from. We will not be bought or pressured into an opinion. We like who we like and we dislike who we dislike. We can change our minds and are in the process of reconsidering our opinions on several people. However, this does not mean we want our asses kissed.
We here at the WicBury Crapper have been drawing some attention for several weeks now and have gotten some pretty positive feedback from several readers (see below). However we would like to address a couple of concerns other readers had. First and foremost we are not against administration, we just side with the peons. That's why, unless really outlandish behavior exists, we don't print crap about administrators as individuals, as that is not our forte.
Contrary to popular belief, we may not one guy (hence the word "we" in the majority of our publishing). Several of us may publish under the name of the WICBURY CRAPPER and may work for several different organizations, be active, or retired. We also have contributors that post to us. But we may not be who you think we are... or we might be right under your noses.... looking up, god trim your nose hair!
Or.... we could be just one guy, who knows.
To address the comment below.. we are not stupid. Administration is an important part of any organization however in various organization it may be flawed or malfunctioning. Having said that it is much easier to point a finger of blame at administration because it's the easiest to locate in any agency as the decision making entity. Above all else the job of a police officer is to protect the rights of the citizens and provide fair and equal treatment under the law. However, some people have forgotten that those rights extend to police officers, as being responsible tax paying citizens, serving their communities daily, putting their lives on the line for everyone. Poop on people that stroke us against our grain.
We are simply practicing our right under freedom of speech, just like these other crappy bloggers. Moreover, little of what we publish is directed at any specific organizations administration in a negative manner, specific to that individual organization. However, we do not screen what our readers comment with the exception of screening out negative, UNTRUE, comments about individual police officers or cops as a whole or racial comments or other completely inappropriate comments. Bear in mind we freely tell you our publication is complete and utter crap so, there is no confusion. Read this crap if you want, if not go do something else. Again its our toilet bowl, we do what we want.
Someone much smarter than us once said, the difference between bravery and stupidity is a just cause. Nothing is ever stupid if there is a just reason for doing something. Our reason is to support peon cops, plain and simple.
Comments Below...
Anonymous said...Can't wait to read more of this crap! Let the diarrhea of the mouth and minds begin!Thanks to whomever you are for your bravery (some would say stupidity). I appreciate what you are trying to do....keep it up.
Anonymous said...Can't wait to read more of this crap! Let the diarrhea of the mouth and minds begin!Thanks to whomever you are for your bravery (some would say stupidity). I appreciate what you are trying to do....keep it up.
The Thin Blue Line said...Crapper,I just wanted to give Kudos where Kudos belong. This is the best site on the net! It's about damned time we (LEO) have a site to vent on from time to time. Since I learned of the site, I've been on several times a day and will continue!KEEP UP THE GREAT JOBSTAY SAFE GUYS!THIN BLUE LINE MUST PREVAIL!24/6/09 09:38
Base calling E90 come in E90! The Sheriff needs somethig kissed and spit polished. (PS don't forget Chief Baker, Capt Elliott, Lt Richardson, and the Babester)
What does 90 do all day anyway?????
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