How about updating the look of the website a little bit? It's starting to look a little stale like yesterday's egg sitting on a paper plate. For that matter, how about salisburypd.com updating their site look. WTF are we back in the 1990's here?
Good work Pecoraro!
INCIDENT: Daytime Residential Burglaries -
UPDATE DATE: July 31, 2009
LOCATION: Wicomico County
NARRATIVE: Deputy Pecoraro and Detectives from WBI have developed information leading to three arrests in connection with residential daytime burglaries that have been occurring in the Wicomico County and surrounding areas. The following individuals have been charged with numerous crimes as listed below.
Anyone with information is asked to contact WBI at 410-548-4898 or Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776 or the Wicomico Sheriff’s Office at 410-548-4891.
ACCUSED*: Brandon Fletcher B/M 22 years oldLamar Trotter B/M 22 years old Kevin Lemore Jr B/M 20 years old Burglary – First DegreeBurglary – Fourth Degree Malicious Destruction of Property Theft Conspiracy to commit Burglary Handgun Charges
Held at WCDC
CHARGES: Burglary – First DegreeBurglary – Fourth Degree
Malicious Destruction of Property
TheftDrug Charges
Charges related to Conspiracy
Crapper, I don't think it's a good idea to put a Deputies name in a press release.
You are absolutly right about it not being smart putting a deputies name in press releases. We didn't release his name, the sheriff's office did. It puts that deputy at a safety risk.
It would be a much better idea to credit the specific division with the arrest (i.e. CID, Patrol, etc.) and maybe an individual shift!
now that's an opinion that doesn't sound shitty, crapper!
Credit should go to UMES Police Dept and Princess Anne Police Dept for the tips that started the investigation. Both departments had these fools on their radar for various crimes down in Somerset County including B&E'S.
then why the fuck didn't they actually do something (for once) and get these guys before the wcso did it for them???? or were they afraid of actually doing some police work?
Go pecoraro!
Lol... Pecoraro has not been Chief for several years and the tips were from students on campus and relayed wcso about crimes they committed in Wicomico County. So all the PD's could do was relay the info. It was out of there juris thats why the fuck they could not do anything.Charges are pending for them now in Somerset County for your 10-43 J/O.
Sounds like someone is envious of the above named PD's. Whats the matter they rejected you and now you are mad..lol...get over it.
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