Chief Bernadette DiPino - Cautioned Outlook by The WicBury Crapper
Chief Bernadette A. DiPino has been a police officer since 1985. She is also a fourth generation police officer.
Her law enforcement career began in Baltimore County Police Department. In 1988 she moved to Ocean City with her family and joined the Ocean City Police Department.
She worked her way meritoriously through the Ocean City Police Department’s rank structure being promoted to PFC in 1993, to Sgt. in 1995, to Lt. in 1998 and to Major in 2003 and Chief of Police in 2003.
She worked her way meritoriously through the Ocean City Police Department’s rank structure being promoted to PFC in 1993, to Sgt. in 1995, to Lt. in 1998 and to Major in 2003 and Chief of Police in 2003.
She earned a Bachelor of Art’s Degree from Salisbury State University in 1995 graduating with a 3.85 grade point average. As a lieutenant, she graduated from the elite FBI National Academy’s 204th session in March 2001. Only ½ of 1% of law enforcement officials are fortunate enough to attend the FBI National Academy. During the ten weeks spent at the Academy, she earned a 4.0 grade point average and ran the entire 10 Mile “Yellow Brick Road” U.S. Marine Corps obstacle course.
She has worked in every division and on every shift in the Police Department. She served as a member of the Department’s Quick Response Team (S.W.A.T.) since 1992 and was the Commander of the team for four years. Chief DiPino is a certified instructor in the state of Maryland and teaches many topics including firearms, defensive tactics and community policing. She has been awarded sixteen commendations and has been named Officer of the Year three times.
In 2006, Chief DiPino received a Citizen of the Year award from the Knights of Columbus, was honored as a Hometown Hero by the Delmarva Shorebirds and received a Public Service Award from the Ancient Hibernians. She is Secretary for the Maryland Municipal League Police Executive Assn. She served on the Governor’s Task Force for Missing and Vulnerable Adults. Chief DiPino serves as the current President of the Maryland Chief’s of Police Association and is a member of the International Chiefs of Police Association.
In 2007, Chief DiPino was appointed by Governor O’Malley as the Regional Representative to the Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions. The Chief lives in North Ocean City and loves spending time at the beach with her family and playing tennis. Her daughter, Tabitha is currently a fifth generation law enforcement officer with the Baltimore County Police Department.
Cautioned Outlook by The WicBury Crapper
Let me add to your staement of caution: She's the only officer in the history of OCPD to be successfully sued by a defendant. She's the only chief in OCPD history to lose EEO complaints (at least 2, with a couple more pending). She was commander of the QRT until the members told then-Chief Massey that if she wasn't removed, they'd all quit the team. She left Baltimore County PD under a "quit or be fired" scenario, the details of which involve improper behavior in the back seat of a patrol car. The OC FOP has had at least one "no-confidence" vote against her. Shall I go on?
(All of this info is available in public record)
I still lover her; in them tight fitten jeans!!!!!!
I lost any confidence in her after if became public that she gave special treatment to politicians and their families getting nabbed on DUI's.
I could give 2 shits about her. Officers were huring a couple of years ago with the lay-off from the WCSO. There were some great cops needing jobs and I was one of them. All OCPD did was snub their noses up in the air and advised me to take the test when the seasonals start (5 month later). What a crock of #$@$.
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