You know we don't particularly support Chief Webster but, what is the basis of the complaints and even if complaints exist, what is the point of publishing two complaints that haven't been acted on yet? And why would they post a picture of Sheriff Lewis next to Chief Webster when there is nothing in the story about the Sheriff?
We feel that if you have news then great report it, but if you don't have news why is it always required to create something for people to talk about when it's really meaningless? They have published three stories that two city council people have written complaints against the Chief of Police? That's news? Increase circulation of their rag publication.
thats one greasy head. eeewwww
Before being recruited by Barrie Tilghman, Webster was IAD. Everyone knows IAD are the snitches of LEO's. Webster is looking for another defamation lawsuit to lose, the same as the others he lost in the local courts. You called it for what it is, ridiculous. In the past 6 months to a year there has been more public outcry to get rid of Webster than any other department head. Now he wants to play the victim? It's not working. The half baked scheme is bound to backfire in the faces of those that designed it.
sooooo, if someone were to blow the whistle on administration for something and administration then retaliated against the individual (oh no, this NEVER happens wink wink) would the city then pay for that officer's legal fees? didn't think so
After reading the article again I have but one question to ask. WHO authorized Webster to investigate Debbie Campbell? What is the bases of his investigation?
Being part of the IAD is not a bad thing, the need for the IAD is a nessacery evil. Almost all officers do there job outstandingly; but there is (like any other profession)some rotten apples here and there. It only takes 1 bad Doctor to make the rest look bad. LEO's have the same problem. The IAD can help protect the public by getting the bad apples off the street.
I don't put Webster in that class of IAD officers. His track record for lying on the stand in a court of law proves he is not to be trusted. If he'll lie under oath, he'll lie anywhere about anything.
Looks like the Sheriff is lookin ard at somthin. a load of crack cocaine or did a chicky poo walk in the room. This man is one womenizen SOB
He's probably looking at all the guys he's fucked over who supported him when he first ran for election.
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