In summery of the incident...
The Sgt. made an arrest for disorderly conduct of a black professor of Harvard who is close friends of President Obama. The president made the comment that the Cambridge police "acted stupidly" affecting the arrest.
The Sgt. received a call for a B&E in progress, upon arrival the professor refused to identify himself initially and called the police Sgt. a racist, following him from the house, even insulting the police officer's mother. The Sgt. maintains he made a good arrest while the professor maintains that the police officer is a rouge policeman. The professor also stated, "The vulnerability of poor minorities in America". Bear in mind that that the professor is not poor by a longshot going on to stating that he has "very valuable art" inside of his residence.
A neighbor of the professor confirmed the professor's behavior was excessive and insulting. The Sgt. gave an on camera interview about the incident. The department's administration stands by the officer. The officer is also a police instructor for racial profiling.
The WicBury Crapper assessment...
Of course, there is always two sides to every story. From the way the Sgt. described the incident he was only attempting to identify the professor as being a resident of the property, which he was able to do. The Sgt. was immediately met with hostility and anger and was even provoked to arrest while the professor followed the Sgt. out of the house. The Sgt. gave the professor several warnings to discontinue his course of conduct.
The comments made by President Obama were plainly out of line, especially commenting on a local incident involving a personal friend of his. The professor unfortunately sees racial profiling everywhere. There was a legitimate call for service at the professors house indicating a possible burglary in progress. The Sgt. responded and was met with hostility by the professor, who apparently has a bad view of white police officers. So, the real question here is who is racist? Is it the white police officer, who is a racial profiling instructor at the police academy, who received a valid call for service to investigate a possible crime in progress or is it the black professor who confronts the police officer. The professor even followed the officer out of the house yelling at him, calling the officer a racist, and even at one point said, "I'll see your mother out there (on the porch)."

Sgt. Leon Lashley says Gates was probably tired and surprised when Sgt. James Crowley demanded identification from him as officers investigated a report of a burglary. Lashley says Gates' reaction to Crowley was "a little bit stranger than it should have been."
Asked if Gates should have been arrested, Lashley said supported Crowley "100 percent."Unfortunately, some people use race as a crutch and soap box for themselves. This professor is that type of person, similar to Al Sharpton, a well known and documented race hustler.
All of the black police officers that we have known throughout the years have been dedicated members of each respective department and function with a white majority of officers in order to protect the public (as we discussed in our article about black policing).
It is unfortunate when incidents such as these demonstrate to us as a society that a person, who is insulting and berating a uniformed law enforcement officer and acting in a plainly disorderly manner, can stand on a soap box and scream racism. It is also plainly sad that our president, who is of all people, sided with a personal friend without knowing the facts of an incident and stated that the Cambridge police acted "Stupidly". What's stupidly is Obama's comments which has insulted the integrity of a police officer with a exemplary record of conduct. Incidents like this fuel falsely laid distrust and suspicion of law enforcement; making all cops job more difficult and dangerous.
What are your thoughts?
First off, I'm retired military and live here to Maryland, I am from Cambridge Mass and my brother is a retired Police Officer in Cambridge Mass who knows Sgt Crowley very well. I Thank You for your support of Sgt Crowley and criticize the President for not getting his facts in order before speaking out against Sgt Crowley, I am still waiting for the Presidents apology to Sgt Crowley, the Cambridge Police Department and every other Law Enforcement agency in this country as you all have been hurt by the Presidents irresponsible remarks.
I'm not holding my breath for his apology......
After hearing the suspect, it is obvious that he was the only one who brought race into this. He is lucky force was not used when he failed to obey orders, and went into the house (by his own words). That cop showed great restraint.
Do you think that the suspect did this on purpose for $. He may have done the entire thing knowing that he would get arrested, sell books, and boost his price for race bait seminars. Not to mention the lawsuit that I'm sure is pending.
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