July 17, 2009
Deputies disciplined after crash reviews
Deputies disciplined after crash reviews
By Sharahn D. Boykin
Staff Writer
SALISBURY -- At least three deputies received disciplinary action after a quarterly internal review of vehicle crashes at the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office.
"Some of the sanctions levied were unprecedented in my 21 years at the Sheriff's Office," said Wicomico County Chief Deputy Gary Baker. "I think we did the right thing. I think it was fair."
The Sheriff's Office reported seven collisions this quarter. Three were considered preventable and chargeable, according to Baker.
All of the crashes forwarded to the review board were not major collisions, Baker said. Three of the incidents involved deer.
"The investigations occur any time there's damage to a vehicle," Baker said.
With about 90 vehicles in their fleet, the seven collisions this quarter is about average, according to Baker.
The Sheriff's Office internal review board investigates each crash and forwards its findings to Baker. The chief deputy reviews the board's recommendations and the deputy's driving record before forwarding his recommendations for disciplinary action to the sheriff, according to Baker.
Deputy 1st Class Evan Avent was among the seven deputies subjected to the internal review process. Avent, 32, struck a Mercedes Benz and Dodge Ram after going through a steady red light at the intersection of Cedar Lane and North Fruitland Boulevard around 9:50 p.m. June 13.
Avent was on duty at the time of the accident, but was not responding to a call according to police.
Avent was treated and released from Peninsula Regional Medical Center. The other drivers were unharmed, according to police.
Baker declined to name the deputies or give further details concerning the disciplinary actions taken. After consultation with other police departments, the county attorney and other officials, the Sheriff's Office determined that the actions taken against the deputies were a personnel matter and the office could be liable if it were to release specific details, Baker said.
Hey Clark Shitter's Full
We've found that flushing after every shit helps keep the shitter empty.
Hey does anyone know if the local admin's understand LEOBR cause there about to lose some of there insurance companies money by acting like they do.
Fair, Fair hell Gary Baker would not know fair if it hit him in the face. He sits aroound all day looking at the internet except for thre hour lunches. He is a liar and a coward! When was the last time he did any police work?
Why were these sanctions "unprecedented in" 21 years that the Chief has worked there? Was he slacking all of those years in charge? Would the same sanctions be applied to all employees?
I wonder if the admin that was involved in crashes and it was their fault also got jammed up? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
1:23 I guess the same sanctions were not applied universally. Because I know that one deputy got a $50 fine and one day, another got a $100 fine and 2 days, and the third guy got $150 and 3 days. So, I guess it depends on who you are or who you know.
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