Please keep bitches and moans constructive as we won't send them "You Fuc**** suck" or comments such as that because they would only hurt the cause. Also if you have positive input we will include that as well.
Although we won't change the overall content of your messages to them, we reserve the right to correct spelling errors and edit overall formatting of your messages. We also reserve the right to exclude messages that we deem plainly offensive or not germane . Messages will be complied and submitted in written format. Please provide your messages prior to Aug 15 2009 as either a posted response to this or as an email to wicburycrapper@gmail.com.
Please try to say what you are not happy with within your dept. and/or what could be changed. Bitching alone is fine but many times will be ignored entirely by administration and filed in the circular file. Although we don't mind if you cast aspersions on the character of administrators, it still may not serve the purpose intended of bringing matters to their attention. Many times people tend to ignore issues or letters if they are plainly smacked in the face with personal assessments of their character for openers. Just a suggestion, not a bitch!
Where to begin, First i would like to keep this positive. 1- Sheriff Lewis promised alot to the rank and file Deputies that supported him like his administration was going to be a good role model (out pullin over cars, makin arrest, ect) that has not happened. 2- Sheriff Lewis told people that his traveling and teaching would not get in the way (he is never here, most Deputies wish he would take the rest of the admin with him). 3- Sheriff Lewis LIES (200 you know you have). 4- Sheriff Lewis lets an atmosphere of fear and intimadation rule the office. 5- Sheriff Lewis can be very motivating but now people feel used and suckered by a salesman. 6- Chief Deputy Baker was chosen because he has alot of political value he has never been a cop and at least half of the supervisors (cpl and sgt) consider him yellow. 7- Capt Elliott saa both are liars. 8- Lt Roberts no people skills no ability as a cop incompitent. 9- Lt Richardson a self serving yes man after his military time and swat commander stuff you would think he would stand up for whats right either he is also yellow or just does not care about anyone but himself (hopefully DRILL will haunt him). 10- Lt Wilson what needs to be said he wants you to worship the ground he walks on acts like your friend then will screw you to no end after you have served your purpose he will lie to you and about you he will put others down to make himself feel better he also has alot of connections and was promoted to Lt after supporting Kirk people thought 200was keeping your friends close and your enimies closer but he must be a real good pooper shoot kisser and ego brusher because 200 was warned and did not listen also could not get into the FBI Nat Academy.
11- 1st Sgt Robinson a nicer guy you can not find really smart but lacks people skills needs a lot more common sense. 12- Sgt Wiersberg a nice guy that means well but is protected by Chief Baker and being groomed for 1st Sgt or Lt over probally better qualified personal for his job description. SGT and below will be another day (got to gear up) Peace stay safe
While we value your comment, and will publish and send it off to be included in the documents, please try to say what you are not happy with within your dept. and/or what could be changed.
Bitching alone is fine but many times will be ignored entirely by administration and filed in the circular file. Although we don't mind if you cast aspersions on the character of administrators, it still may not serve the purpose intended of bringing matters to their attention. Many times people tend to ignore issues or letters if they are plainly smacked in the face with personal assessments of their character for openers. Just a suggesstion, not a bitch!
Well at SPD we have not got raises twice when they said we were going to get raises. I understand the the economy sucks but if they want to keep people they should not lie to them about giving us raises and then do nothing about it. Thats why people keep leaving and they have people in the academy now. It's funny how the mayor went on TV saying they have people in the academy. That's because all those spots are to fill those who have quit. They are not any new spots.
The sheriff is great.
The sheriff is great.
Uhh, the sheriff office sucks ass. Most people I work with are miserable when they come to work each day. Everyone is afraid to fart in the wrong area. It's true that the Sheriff lied. What is more disgusting is how quickly he forgot who supported him in his last election... we'll see what happens this next election with support from your staff. He's a political nightmere... unfortunatly. We expected a new era in law enforcement in this area and look what we ended up with. Lesson to be learned that anyone who puts on brass can become a tyrant and a braggart. Oh wait he was already a braggart.
To Point of Spear- wow you must be the smartest guy in the room!!!! finally-someone who just knows all the shit there is to know! Gosh, that must be an awful burden you carry-knowing that you have the goods on everybody in charge. Sounds like jealousy to me shit for brains! How about offering solutions instead of railing against everybody. Your no point of spear, your the dull end of a turd(or is it tird)?
Okay, i've got a solution. Lets not re-elect mike lewis to office and elect a Sheriff that is a real cop instead of a political hack. Lets elect someone that gives a shit about his personnel and how they are treated. Lets elect someone that treats his personnel well personally. Then maybe we can get someone in office that will wipe out the entire crooked administration, except maybe for that Lt. in charge of slots and civil, whom at least I have some respect for, and assign the rest to courts!
Anon: 834
Do you mean the Lt in charge of drywall, soda/snacks machines and shreding procedures?
Sheriff's office has too many chiefs and not enough indians. Mike - you're letting your administration hide things from you. You listen to your guys then you disappear leaving them to defend themselves against your admininstration who give them shit for jumping the chain. Now when you ask them questions they don't want to answer honestly because the fear the repercussions. You don't need yes men. You need to listen to your troops. If you stop this type of behavior from taking place they will talk to you again and you will then be the Sheriff they thought they were supporting for election. Remember, it's not your administration that makes your agency. Your front line troops make your agency. The true measure of your ability to lead is the condition of the overall morale of your troops. Right now the only ones who are happy are the ones you promoted. Is that what you really want for your guys and the people of Wicomico County?
Mike Carey for Sheriff!
Not all of the people that got promotions are happy.
just remember...you're great...you're all great
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